Big Girl Beds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by orangeyaglad, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    We made the transition tonight because both girls were climbing out. We are really, really tight on money so buying bed tents are not an option. We just decided to go ahead and convert their beds. We've been hyping it up all week and the girls were so excited when they saw their big girl beds. They were playing and jumping on them so I thought it would go well. Fast forward to bedtime. Oh boy, it is a mess! I just sneaked out of their room. Aurielle is doing very well. She is so quiet just falling asleep. However, Isabelle was a mess. I've never heard her that upset. She was clearly scared. I stayed in the room, inching closer and closer to the door until I could finally escape. Now, I can't close the door as I fear she is going to wake up. How many nights will I have to stay in there until they fall asleep? I don't want to make a habit out of it as they are really good sleepers otherwise. Sigh

    They have their glow doggies and I showed them how to turn them on, but when they are that upset it doesn't matter what you tell them - it goes in one ear and out the other. Any advice? TIA
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't afford much new (1 income, 2 babies- you know). So I do a lot on craigslist. Here are 2 crib tents in Orlando. Maybe 1 or both of these would work...
  3. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Thanks, but honestly we can't afford anything used either. We just don't have it in our budget. We are a very low income family. Thanks though. :)
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have one twin in a converted crib to a daybed and the other still in a crib. With my DD, she was 18-19 months when she started climbing out of her crib and we made the transition. The first couple of weeks she was fine (I don't think she realized she could get out of bed) and then once she realized it, I guess, she started think it was play and party time. During nap time, I would sit in the room with her on a rocking chair and read a book and every time she got out of bed, I would quietly put her back and go "shhh" Night time was not too bad, my husband would lay on her floor and pretend to sleep and usually within 20 minutes she was asleep and he could leave the room. I would say it took her about 2 weeks to settle down into the bed and we no longer had to be in her room until she went to sleep.
  5. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    And what did you do if they fell out of bed and slept on the floor? Do I just let her sleep on the floor? Ugh...I'm really sad. :(
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Put some blankets or towels on the floor near her bed in case she rolls out, which she is likely going to do at least a few times :)
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    we transitioned our girls at 18 months. we toddler proofed the heck out of their room & then once we said good night, we left them to it. at first, they would stay up for an hour or two running around & giggling & who knows what else. we often found them asleep on the floor in the morning. after a while though, the novelty wore off & now they rarely get out of their beds after being tucked in.

    you could always put their mattresses right on the floor if you think that's what's upsetting her? otherwise, i would try to keep all of the routines the same. does she calm down or get more upset if you go in for a minute, then leave again? you could try that a few times until she falls asleep.
  8. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    We are starting the same thing tonight with our DD. DS is still in the crib for now. They just turned two.

    We converted DD's crib to a day bed and put the mattress on the floor (it's basically three sides of the crib surrounding the mattress).

    I heard my DD in the room after playing for a while. She was crying "mommy, mommy...." and sounded scared. ugh. I went in and put her back in the bed. We put a few floor pillows and blankets out on the floor. Last night, she got out of her crib and slept on a floor pillow next to DS's crib.

    Do you have a night light? My DD is afraid of the dark, so we have one night light and one floor lamp set on dim.

    Can you try to keep them in their cribs longer? We used a sleep sack for a long time and it helped. We also took out the springs on the mattress and put it directly on the floor. You can also turn the crib around so the high part is away from the wall. These things are still keeping my DS in his crib, but it's not working for DD anymore. She can get out of her sleep sack, even if it's zipped up in the back.

    We're going to try this for a week or so. If it doesn't turn out very well, then we are probably getting crib tents.

    GL, it's stressful, isn't it??
  9. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    Sleep sacks are a no go. These girls are little Houdini's and can get out of anything. Most of the time they wake up naked. She was clearly upset about the whole security thing. She settled down when I was in the room and I slowly had to back out while she fell asleep. She only woke up twice because she fell out of bed. I gently put her back in and she went right back to sleep with no fuss. Aurielle slept didn't even phase her.

    They have three night light in their room, so they can see if they wake up but it's not too bright. We will see how nap time and bedtime go tonight, but their routine hasn't changed. We just explained to them that they have to stay in bed. There was no playing when they went to bed or when they woke up this morning.

    Oh, and there is no high part to their beds. It's the same size all around.
  10. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    YAY! Tonight went a lot smoother!!! Isabelle did cry some. I let her CIO for about 10 minutes before I went in there. I put her back in bed told her that I would be right outside the door where I stood for about 1 minute, left the door open, then came back to close it. She was passed out! Phew!! Thank goodness! So proud of my big girls! :banana: :banana: :silly: :clapping:
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