BH all the least it feels like it

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by LauraV1229, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. LauraV1229

    LauraV1229 New Member

    I'm almost 28 weeks pregnant. About 2 weeks ago, I started getting BH. I feel like I have them all day long...sitting still, walking, getting up from lying down etc. Sometimes, they are accompanied by cramping and some low back discomfort. It's very concerning at times.

    I've been to the doctor and they said my cervix was still firm. So they weren't too worried but gave me the signs to look for...increase in frequency, intensity. Well sometimes I think they are happening all the time for at least an hour. I'm not even sure I would know BH from pre-term labor.

    Anyone else have the same experience with BH? Did you go into pre-term labor?

  2. fahrenheit79

    fahrenheit79 Well-Known Member

    I started having BH at 20w. When I brought it up at my 21w appointment, I was told to just drink lots of water and lat down. I did and it worked up until 21w6d when nothing I would do stopped them. I called my dr after 3 days at home and was asked to come in the next day. When I showed up, the u/s showed that I had bulging membranes. I was wheeled to L&D where an exam showed that my dr could see the bag of twin A!!! So I was dilated on top of it all! I've been at the hospital ever since, grateful for every single day of pregnancy and praying that I make it to 35/36w and deliver 2 healthy babies.
    All this to tell you that PTL happens suddenly and quickly. I was closed at 21w3d and dilated 4-5 at 22w3d. Be vigilant and don't hesitate to call your OB if you feel any changes in your pattern. My dr doesn't want me to have more than 4 contractions of any kind per hours. Other drs will say 6/hr warrant a call.
    I wish you to have a PTL free pregnancy!
  3. kristenlee5

    kristenlee5 Well-Known Member

    I started having BH at 25 weeks. My doc said to call if i have 6+ an hour after laying down and drinking lots of water. I went to the hospital at 25 weeks and then 27 weeks with more than 6 an hour. The first time they gave me turbutaline to stop them. That worked and my cervix wasn't opening at all. At 27 weeks I was just hydrated with IV and they slowed down, though never went away, but my cervix still hadn't changed. At my 28 week appointment my cervix had shortened to half its size a week ago. I spent 5 days in the hospital, three of them on magnesium. While my contractions never stopped, the changing of my cervix stopped. I went home dilated to 1. I was sent home on modified bed rest. That was 5 weeks ago and I am at a whopping 1.5 dilated now. The contractions have never stopped coming, but after 9 weeks of having them I've become pretty good at judging them. Now doc says I could go any time and he would be fine with them coming out.
  4. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    i started having them around 22 weeks. Water was the cure for me and lying down. Make sure you are hydrated!
  5. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    I've been having them since 17 weeks. I'm now 25 weeks and they are almost and hourly occurance. My Dr feels its normal and as long as the cervix is closed and long he is not worried. I try to drink water and rest but it seems they just happen no matter what I do. If its happening alot I do put my feet up and chill for awhile. I don't have any pain associated with it like you described. Keep monitoring yourself and if you are worried go back to the Dr and have them check you out again. Hopefully its just one of those annoying things that occurs, joys of pregnancy:)
  6. rainbabies09

    rainbabies09 Member

    Just to give another perspective, I started having contractions ~21 weeks as well and they have gotten more frequent as I've gone along (I get them with any movement now at 35weeks +2), however- they never changed my cervix (though they stopped checking around 33 weeks), so no PTL. I am still working (though very tired and moving slowly). I would DEFINITELY get checked out anytime something changes- I did and even spent one night in L&D b/c of contractions every 3 minutes at 32 weeks. But there are people who contract frequently but don't have cervical changes and never have PTL- oh and I never took meds b/c there were no worrisome cervical changes.
  7. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    I just went into PTL yesterday and had no idea I was contracting or dialated. From the monitors, I was contracting every 2-6 minutes but did not feel it. Kinda crazy. I would keep an eye on it and maybe ask your dr for more frequent check ups
  8. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering about this myself today so sorry no help I guess. I had my NST today and during 30 minutes had 3 to 4 "tightenings" as the nurse called it but she wasn't concerned??? Now I just realized that what I thought was the babies making my tummy hard was probably BH (never had them in previous pregnancies) and they seemed to be off and on all night so I know how you feel. You don't want to go in and be a pain in the butt but it's also a bit hard to know when to worry. As I'm typing this here goes another one. UGH! I wish these things were more cut and dried for us to know what to do. I would call your OB if you are concerned but I guess I should take my own advice. Good luck momma!!! :hug:
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