Best toys?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lesliekyla, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. lesliekyla

    lesliekyla Well-Known Member

    They love their mobile, will hit the animals on their play gym, love to look out the window. What else can I buy/make/do so they can amuse themselves? Anything for them when they are in the bouncy seat (it has a removable toy bar, but they can't yet reach it)? What did your babies like?

    I want to make sure they get enough stimulation and don't get bored. It will also give me a chance to do those luxuries, like getting dressed and eating! :p

  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    The biggest hits in my house have been anything by Haba. They just can't get enough of these simple wooden toys! There's one that I had to buy two of (even though I swore I'd never do that :rolleyes: ) because they wouldn't stop fighting over it.

    Manhattan Toy stuff has been a close second...

    Enjoy! :)
  3. lesliekyla

    lesliekyla Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Dec 17 2007, 08:41 AM) [snapback]537192[/snapback]
    The biggest hits in my house have been anything by Haba. They just can't get enough of these simple wooden toys! There's one that I had to buy two of (even though I swore I'd never do that :rolleyes: ) because they wouldn't stop fighting over it.

    Manhattan Toy stuff has been a close second...

    Enjoy! :)

    Are these good for babies who are not yet grabbing or holding things?
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Before they can grab stuff, they like to look at anything colorful... How early were your babies? (Just wondering how far they are from reaching & grabbing - can't be too far off!)
  5. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I second the recommendation of anything by Haba. We purchased the Triangle and Kringlering when our girls were about four months old and they loved them. Even before they can hold things, the Haba toys are great for batting at, pushing, gnawing on, etc. I think the wood feels better to baby skin than plastic does, because even now with tons of toys to choose from, my girls always go for the simple wood Haba toys rather than the elaborate plastic ones.

    The other thing my girls really liked starting at about four months was their exersaucer. I don't think it matters much what brand you get. All of the colors and different shapes were interesting for the girls and as they grow, they gain interest in the different toys that are attached. Even if your babies aren't yet sitting up, you can put them in the saucers and arrange blankets around them like bolsters so they don't fall over.
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member


    We have one in Ana's crib and they really started looking at themselves in it around 4 months. Once they started playing with the toys on it, I got a second one for their play yard in the living room.

    Around 4-5 months I also started using the highchairs. Even though I didn't start food until about 5 months, I put them in their high chairs slightly reclined and let them watch me clean the kitchen, make dinner, vacuum, etc. They loved to just watch me and it was great because I got stuff done too!
  7. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    The winkle from the Mahattan Toy company is great. It has a whole bunch of tubes they can grab. It was the first toy my kids could grab and we eneded up getting a second one. It is still really the only toy Elizabeth will play with for more than a few seconds. Apparently she has a tactile defensiveness.

    You might want to consider something like that.

    I second the exersaucers as well. My kids love them. They get to stand and be big kids and see everything!
  8. lesliekyla

    lesliekyla Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Dec 17 2007, 09:40 AM) [snapback]537288[/snapback]
    Before they can grab stuff, they like to look at anything colorful... How early were your babies? (Just wondering how far they are from reaching & grabbing - can't be too far off!)

    They were born at 28.6 weeks--born Aug. 17, due Nov. 3.
  9. lesliekyla

    lesliekyla Well-Known Member

    Stupid question about the Haba toys--the website says from 1/2 Y+. Does that mean 6 months +? There is nothing earlier than that.
  10. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    It does mean 6 mo +, but there's really no reason why - everything is just as safe and fun for younger ages.

    Let's see, your babies' adjusted age would be about 2 months... It is a bit early for them to be reaching/grabbing, but it's not far off! It's a tough age, since they can't do much for themselves yet, but once they have a little more hand control, they'll be able to entertain themselves better. (And then you can eat or shower in peace!)
  11. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    Interesting girls are 4 months old...should they be trying to grab toys? They have the Kick Start Gym and that is it until Christmas. They don't have any rattles or anything but their wrist rattles and toys that hang from their carseats. They grab their bottles, but that is about it...and paci's of coarse.

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