Best thing for stuffy/runny nose

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by meghan, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. meghan

    meghan Well-Known Member

    What is the best thing to give for a runny/stuffy nose? My boys are 19 months old and just getting over strep (awful, awful experience!) and Jerry still has a stuffy nose that prevents him from drinking much of a bottle or sippy, but it also runs constantly. TIA
  2. meghan

    meghan Well-Known Member

    What is the best thing to give for a runny/stuffy nose? My boys are 19 months old and just getting over strep (awful, awful experience!) and Jerry still has a stuffy nose that prevents him from drinking much of a bottle or sippy, but it also runs constantly. TIA
  3. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    For stuffy give something w/ pseudoephedrine {like Sudafed} in it, it's a decongestant, but give it when they wake up, not before bed as it can cause excitedness.
    For runny, give an antihistamine {like Benadryl}, but give it before sleep as it makes most people drowsy.
    Also, antihistamines usually have a longer half life meanning they linger longer so I try and only give them before a full night's sleep. I notice that if I have to give it before naptime, they wake up grumpy or still a little groggy.

    There's LOTS of combo products, just look on the back for those 2 ingredients or similar ones.
  4. meghan

    meghan Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for responding! I gave him Children's Tylenol Plus Multi-symptom cold med at 7:45 this am (which can be given every 4 hours), but it has NO effect on his nose (the reason I gave him this). Can I give him the Benadryl(generic) now (about 11:30am). Not sure what meds can be given in conjunction with others. THANKS!
  5. Whoa Mama

    Whoa Mama Well-Known Member

    Runny, I just leave alone because all the stuff is SUPPOSED to come out. Just stock up on tissues. I've got three little runny noses in my house right now.

    For stuffy, I love the Little Noses infant drops (grape flavored) - they love the taste so they don't fight it, and it really works to unstuff their noses.
  6. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    We swear by PediaCare decongestant.

  7. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    FYI- Most products with pseudoephredrine are not found on the shelves anymore, you have to ask at the pharmacy counter! Most OTC things have phenylephrine now, because of the crystal meth labs using sudafed to make the drug!
  8. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    Yes, you can use teh decongestant and antihistamine together or a few hours apart, they're compltely different drugs.
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