Best "All Terrain" stroller, i.e., Jogging stroller or similar

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Lisala, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. Lisala

    Lisala Well-Known Member

    I am wondering if those of you who have a double "all terrain" double stoller, what kind it is and if you like it.

    I have been looking at double joggers, not because we jog, really, but because I have been wanting a side-by-side stroller that we can take with us to the park on rough unpaved paths, etc.

    I also know I want a swivel front wheel.

    I am hoping to spend under $250.

  2. Lisala

    Lisala Well-Known Member

    I am wondering if those of you who have a double "all terrain" double stoller, what kind it is and if you like it.

    I have been looking at double joggers, not because we jog, really, but because I have been wanting a side-by-side stroller that we can take with us to the park on rough unpaved paths, etc.

    I also know I want a swivel front wheel.

    I am hoping to spend under $250.

  3. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We have the Chariot. I really, really, love this stroller. Mostly because the boys are right next to each other and my sweet little Joe always leans his head on Nick during a ride. Melts my heart every time. It handles great in all terrain (including snow/ice). It even has adjustable shocks so I can go right up over the sidewalk curb while jogging. I have a couple pics of them in the stroller.

    Sweet Joe

    Snow Day
  4. candicane05

    candicane05 Well-Known Member

    I would highly recommend the Urban Double Mountain Buggy. I used it with my first set and it was so easy to maneuver. I could turn on a dime in the mall and steer with one hand. It handled beautifully on gravel paths and uneven surfaces. I think it is the ONE item that I couldn't live without. They are expensive but perhaps you could find one gently used on Craig's List. They also hold their value so when you go to sell it you'll be able to recover part of most of your money. Definately worth the investment!!!
  5. Ellensgirls

    Ellensgirls Well-Known Member

    I have the double InStep Swivel wheel stroller and it was about $250. We're very happy with it, but it is heavy as are all of the "real" all terrain joggers. It handles great indoors or out and we frequently take it places like the mall. It is too wide to fit in every doorway, but we really haven't had any trouble going the places we need to go with it. Storage is pretty decent and we can see us using it for another year or two for sure. My kids frequently walk many places now at 2 1/2, but we still push the empty stroller with us and use it to "contain" them when (not if) they get unruly or stop listening.

    I have to say that if I'd had the money, I might have gotten the mountain buggy stroller because that one fits into standard doorways and has 4 wheels vs 3 so it is probably slightly more steady going up curbs which has been the only thing I'd complain about with my stroller.

    Whatever you choose, it will be a good investment. Don't get a jogger without a swivel wheel. I used to have one and I hated it as the kids got heavier, it was so hard to steer. The swivel wheel is great. [​IMG]
  6. srsbjs

    srsbjs Well-Known Member

    The BOB revolution duallie is awesome! It has a swivel front wheel which is essential and it is easy to fold/unfold and take places. It fits through a standard doorway and it pushes so easily. I jog with the babies about 25 miles per week and walk in the evenings with it too. This is by far my most favorite piece of gear!!! Whatever you end up with, make sure you get the tires 'slimed' so that you don't have to worry about getting a flat tire, especially if you are going to be using it in a rural area or on trails or gravel.

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