belly is definately lower....

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by stephobraun, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. stephobraun

    stephobraun Member


    Not sure whats up...took a long nap yesterday after going for my bpp at the drs. My belly is definately lower...DH thinks so also. Heartburn is less (yippie!) does this mean I am getting close ? How long till labor ? Did this happen to anyone else ? Am a bit freaked out......friday is 33 weeks , am home with minimal restrictions. Absolutely no issues, besides id. tw. 1 placenta HELP/ADVICE ?
  2. stephobraun

    stephobraun Member

    I can't believe this hasn't happened to anyone ???????? PLease , am freaking out
  3. goody1210

    goody1210 Well-Known Member

    I'm not as far along as you, but 4 weeks ago my belly looked a lot lower like I had dropped. At my peri doctor appointment we found out that they had both turned head down. (They were previously both transverse). At my OB appt last week they had changed positions again back to transverse. Don't know if you already know what position they are in, but they could just be changing postitions. Like I said I'm not as far along as you are though.
  4. jkendall

    jkendall Well-Known Member

    This hasn't happened to me yet, but I am expecting it will any day now. I am about as far as you are (turn 33 weeks tomorrow). There have been other posts on this in the past. Even though you may have "dropped" you could still be 2-4 weeks out from delivering. It isn't necessarily a sign you will go into labor sooner...
  5. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    Well my belly dropped at around 34 weeks. I lost my mucous plug at 37 weeks. I had to be induced at 39 weeks. This was while my stomach was measuring 54 inches. I think it just depends on how your body copes with the pregnancy..and if you are dilated or effaced any? I was dilated 3cms for 3-4 weeks and 80 % effaced. But they still had to induce me...

    Good luck. :)


    MARYLANE Well-Known Member

    I can't remember when I had the feeling my belly had dropped, maybe before 30 weeks, but I think there's nothing unsual, you have 2 babies in there! I don't think it means they are getting ready to be delivered soon. I would say it is more the case when you feel a strong pressure between the legs and thus have a hard time walking. You could ask your doctor at your next check up.
  7. natasha163

    natasha163 Well-Known Member

    i am 29 weeks and i seem to drop and go up again, guess its just babies cjanging position.
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