Being Mean and Carseats

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aurie, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 2.5. In the last month, they have both started to rebel against the car seat. They arch their backs, kick, spit, scream. It is an all out battle x two. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or if any others did the same at this age. As always, again my singletons did not do this. I have stopped taking them anywhere if I have to get them out and put them back in, like the grocery store. I was fighting one to get her in the car seat and the other took off in the parking lot. That was the last time they went with me.

    Second question, did anyone have just one who turned mean on the other? Maddy has decided it is really fun to make Micky scream. Maddy will take Micky's toys and run from her. She doesn't really want to play. She is just smiling ear to ear over the fact that she has this "power" over her sister. This is seriously driving me nuts!!! Any suggestions? Anyone else having this issue? It happens at least a good 5-8 times per day.
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I, occassionally, have the carseat trouble with my two. I will sit one in their seat while I pin the other one up against the car with my leg (to keep them from running off). I usually tell them to touch the car and don't let go. I keep my leg there just for precaution. I then go and strap the other in and come back to the first one. Sometimes the first one has already gotten out of their seat because they weren't strapped in, but at least I have them out of the parking lot. If I have a basket or stroller then I can place and strap at the same time. I usually don't like to go anywhere by myself that doesn't allow me to put them in a basket or stroller. As far as them throwing fits and trying to strap them in....I just use my muscle power (hold them down) and get it done as quickly as possible. No real good solution there. :unknw: Usually once I get them strapped and we get the car rolling, they are fine. It is very frustrating, though, when they act that way!
  3. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    No ideas on the being mean thing. But on the car seats, I have a few. DS is really strong and it's almost impossible for me to force him into his seat. I try to give him something fun to hold like a book, an ink pen, a DVD case, whatever I have handy. I also have resorted to keeping M&Ms in the car. I let him hold the little Tupperware container of M&Ms while I buckle him in. Then I give him one to eat when he's strapped in. This works really well for him. But when all else fails, I just let him run around the van for a few minutes and try again. Since I have a van, I let them both climb in the van, then shut the door. I can keep them corraled this way. (Of course, this means they typically run to the front seat and try to turn on the wipers, etc, but I try not to let that get under my skin.)
  4. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the suggestions. I might try both. But then again, I may just wait until they are a bit older before going shopping with them again.
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Rest assured your kids are normal!! Only one of mine routinely does the car seat thing, but it happens literally several times per day and drives me bonkers. Once I talk him into being excited about whatever is going on that is more fun that hiding behind the seat of the car, he usually cooperates. :crazy: If not, I just use my muscle power (though his is getting to be pretty darn strong!!). As for being mean, when my kids get bored, they like to antagonize one another. I think it's just part of being twins... but there is a zero tolerance policy for that in our home and they get TO every single time. That does help, with my kids at least. :) Otherwise, I think it's just a matter of letting them outgrow their phases, and hanging in there until they do. :hug: Good luck!
  6. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I can totally relate on the car seat thing. My one guy is totally easy and never complains about going into the carseat. My other guy on the other hand is a complete nightmare to get into the carseat. He gets SO mad because we walk right by all his outdoor toys to get into the car and he wants to play with them so...I guess that's our fault. We should put them where he can't see them. THe other thing is that he wants to turn the light above him on and off and gets angry when I try to strap him in. He does the flailing, screaming, back arching, etc. He's SO strong and I can't even push him down when he gets really into it. It KILLS my back and shoulder too so it's really bad. The key for me is basically bribbery. If I have a treat or something good for him to hold, he's distracted and goes in without a fight. But, if I don't have anything it could be a good 5 or more minute struggle...NOT fun! Thankfully he doesn't do it too much in a parking lot on the way home, usually just on the way out of the house to go soemwhere. It can be really terrible!
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Have you ever let them get in the carseats by themselves? My one son has become VERY independent and I have found if I let him do things it goes a lot easier. He can't climb in it by himself, but I let him crawl into the car and then help him into his seat and praising him all the way.
  8. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    we've outgrown the carseat resistance but as far as antagonization goes it doesn't go two steal toys, hit, chase etc...I just make sure they don't hurt each other or me and pretty much let them go...I'm tired of being referee and I've decided they need to figure it out for themselves (to a point)...
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