being alone

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by haleystar, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    anyone else have an especially hard time being alone while they are preggers? DH is a fire fighter so he is gone for 24 hours every 3rd day and i am home alone. i don't have a job at the moment so it's just me and the dogs with the noise from the television. i find myself trying to sleep away the hours until he gets home from his regular houred part time job but for the first time in 3 years that he's been a fire fighter i am having difficulty in accepting the fact that i am going to go to bed alone tonight. it seems like the further that this pregnancy progresses the more anxiety i have about everything. forget just being hormonal and yelling for no reason i am crying at the drop of a hat constantly and having panic attacks like i've never experienced before. is this normal? anyone else get this way?

    i thought the 2nd trimester was supposed to be fun and energetic? what is wrong with me??
  2. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    i felt the same way. My husband has only been gone a handful of times but I hated it. I used to kind of like it, get a few days break and it was like we had just met again when he'd get home. The crying for me was kind of a shocker, and it was bad during my first trimester and second. Knock on wood I have only cried once so far for the third trimester. I have never been a cryer and was never this hormonal with my son. I was always so happy while I was pregnant with him. As far as being energetic, I was never energetic. I am not tired but I just cant do a whole lot. I think in time you will feel better, but I would talk to your doctor about it.
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My husband is also a paramedic/firefighter, so I know how you feel. :hug: I actually loved the time to myself, and I appreciated him that much more when he came home. Do you have any close friends or family that you can spend some time with to pass the time? Maybe read a good book? Take a bubble bath? Just try to keep your mind busy, if your body doesn't have the energy.
  4. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    i used to love the alone time also but now i seem to dread it. i have spent the last couple of hours distracting myself on the computer on these and in a little bit i will distract myself with some dinner and a "house" marathon on the USA network.

    i just don't like being alone anymore. i think if i were working it would be different but i'm alone ALL the time and it just sucks!
  5. dutree123

    dutree123 Well-Known Member

    Hi, Look at it on the bright side-My husband is a trucker so there are times that he is gone for weeks at a time. I think that I am use to it and I use that time to focus on my school work and I get plenty of quiet time and rest which is good for the babies.For some reason I notice that the only time that I have yelled or gotten upset was when my husband is around.It may be a pregnancy thing where he sometimes annoy me when I feel like I have to sometimes mother him.Don't get me wrong I love my husband and he is a great provider and he is very excited about our pregnancy but because this is both of our 1st pregnacy he is naieve about many things about pregnancy and it annoys me sometime.For example at first he did not understand my hormonal change and did not understand why I slept so much in the 1st tri.also he did not understand how I could not tolerate certain smells such as household cleaners or bug sprays-and so forth so I found it more relaxing to be alone and when he would be home from work our relationship is better.I have already told him to do his research on post pardum depresion so that he can understand that I do not want visitors 2 wks. before I go in labor or the 6 weeks after I have the babies.( I don't know- I just feel like I do not want to be bothered with my in-laws during that period because I already feel that I will be somewhat overwhelmed and having them around would probably make those feelings worst) My mother will be with me during those times and she is all I want around then and also my husband. So long story short.....Don't feel like the lone ranger!
  6. doublej's

    doublej's Well-Known Member

    I can not relate, but, I do know that soon you will have company! The twins will fill alot of the voids!!
  7. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry you feel this way. I think our hormones also make us feel extra sad when we're sad and being alone can give us the blues. My hubby leaves sometimes only for the night, or the day and I feel sad. I usually write him a letter or make him something special and we have a little romantic reunion when he gets back. We just need a little extra love right now and that's ok!
  8. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    :grouphug: Boy do i know how you feel! With our 2nd, my DH had the joy of being deployed the entire pregnancy and i was a basketcase! He still leaves for a couple days at a time and it doesn't get any easier. Hope you keep distracted. I also am waiting for the "energetic 2nd trimester" and have yet to find it.
  9. HeidiSmith

    HeidiSmith Well-Known Member

    My hubby is in law enforcement - so between regular hours and court and all the other stuff, he is gone a lot. I do know how you feel. However, I have a 3 year old to keep me on my toes and keep my time busy. I am very emotional and I am definitely not energetic. I wish I had energy.

    Take care of yourself.
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm sorry you are alone so much with your DH being gone. :hug:
  11. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    ugh, deployment....scary stuff. i don't think i could have handled that one.

    and yeah, it pretty much sucks being alone now. but we need the income and it's a great job with great benefits (yay for free healthcare - minus the copay of course). he'll be home in the morning and off the entire day because we have LOTS of prenatal appointments tomorrow.
  12. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Hi, Totally get how your feeling. Military family here too. Jim was gone for 2 months near the end of the pregnancy and is now gone for 6 months. Id been through it all before with him, but during the pregnancy was horrible. I posted here many times for support. It is hard and Im sorry. There is a great family support here. I spent MANY nights on here just for the company.
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