Behavioral Issue

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Beth*J, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Karina likes to kick me when I'm changing her diaper. I use a stern voice and say "no kicking," but the behavior continues and she usually laughs at me when I say no (which is more than a little irritating). When DH handles it exactly the same way she cries (for being reprimanded) and stops kicking. We plan to follow the principles of 1-2-3 Magic, but it is for ages 2-12 and I honestly don't think she can grasp the counting part at this point. Plus, it's kicking, so that may be an automatic 3 anyway. Do you agree? Anyway, I'm debating what to do. I'm thinking we need to start at 1-2 minute time out, but I don't know if it will be effective in this instance. By the time I get the new diaper on, the behavior has stopped and I'm not sure she'll understand why she is being put in time out then. She is also starting this kicking thing when I'm putting her in her carseat. So there is another situation I don't know how to handle. I can't put her in time out then because we are usually on our way someplace or away from home.

    Karina is 19.5 months old, but about 17 months adjusted. She is not talking at all, but does seem to understand a lot of what we say to her.

    I'd love to hear how you would handle these situations. Thanks.
  2. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Mine are a similar age and there is no way they would understand time out. If she definitely understands 'no' then I would just keep telling her the behaviour is wrong - how long has it been going on for? Another phase that will pass probably! Any way you can change her position a bit so she can't kick as easily - I know, difficult. GL
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    ugh both of mine went through this and it was tough! HUGS! My only advice is to try to distract them with a toy or singing really loud. Mine love playing peek-a-boo during diaper changes. It helps keep the kicking to a minimum and also the grabbing, which drives me nuts!!
    Good luck!
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Have you tried changing her diaper while she is standing? My guess is that she just thinks it is a fun game to kick at you, and if she is standing while you change her diaper, then she can't kick you.
  5. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    I am having the same problem! (why is it the girls btw, my son doesn't do this?) ....
    I have tried a few things that work....
    yes standing her up...
    also giving her a paper plate, she loves that
    and singing.....
    also tomorrow I will try changing her upside down...putting her head where her feet usually are so she can only kick the ground and not me:)
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have quite the opposite, my DS does this. I will hold his legs and tell him no kicking and we both are still for a minute. For some reason, that relaxes him and gets the kicking to stop. I do think he thinks it's fun to do. Distraction also helps. Good luck!
  7. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: I HATED that phase. Alot. <_< What I did was what Nancy described above. I'd hold their legs down for a minute and also say that kicking isn't nice, blah blah blah and most of the time it worked. I tried distracting them too, but it didn't always work. :rolleyes: It's more fun kicking, right? Good luck, I hope it passes quickly!
  8. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 18 months on the 20th.
    The majority of the time, Im still changing them on the changing table. I keep a bucket of random objects and toys in the bucket on the shelf by the changing table. I give them something 'new' at every change. the downside is now they EXPECT something fun/intersting to fiddle with whiel getting a change.

    The only time we have the kicking problem now is when I get them dressed after bathtime I do as PP stated hold the legs, say NO that hurts mommy please no kicking and then I start talking about some other body part and what we have to do next (put on the lotion, brush their hair etc).

    Hope you find something that works!
  9. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We're going through the same thing at 19 months. I mentioned it to our pedi at their 18 month visit and she said it's pefectly normal.

    Recently they learned Patty Cake so I will sing to them and they will clap their hands and I can pretty much get them changed without any kicking. I also try distraction and sometimes it works but many times it does not.

    I just keep telling myself "It's just a phase and won't be like this forever". If I did'nt I'd go :gah:
  10. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    I tried the upside down approach this am, it worked great!
    Try it:)
  11. kristy horner

    kristy horner Well-Known Member

    Ds does this in my house....and we sometimes do joint compressions and he stops immediately. Frequently it's a sensory stimulation need that makes them want to kick. The like the sensations of their feet hitting the floor. The joint compression gives a similar feeling and they love it!! Just a thought!
  12. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    The whole stern "no" thing doesn't work for my two. I've heard that they LoVE the change in expression and your tone of voice when you get mad, so they continue to do it. The more I got after them, the more they did it. I had special toys they could only play with during diaper change and then I'd take it away after it was done. sometimes playing with a closed powder container or a clean diaper, or an empty wipes package. Now they will read a book while I change them. The worst is when they try to put their hands into poopy diapers !! YUcK
  13. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    This sounds intriguing! What exactly do you do? Is this as simple as gently squeezing their knee? Is there more to it?
  14. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    For poopy diapers mine do the same thing, stick their hands in there and whatever toy they I started putting my legs on their arms to hold their arms down, works like a charm and I just laugh and giggle and talk in a silly voice so it doesn't uspet them...
  15. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When we hit that point, we started standing up to change diapers.
  16. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I was going to suggest much the same thing-is there anyway to turn/move where you change them so that you are changing her from the side on? That way you're not right in front of her feet.
  17. kierasmom

    kierasmom Well-Known Member


    I would just get the diaper change over as quickly as possible. I doubt a time out would do much good at that age.
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