Behavior issues at 8 months - are you kidding me?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by dezmitch, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    So both of my babies were sick a week in a half ago -- the sickness lasted for a week. All is good now -- in fact I went back to the doc for a follow up yesterday with DD just to make sure and she is healthy as can this is either teething or her misbehaving.

    What's going on -- well she naps well, eats well -- but cries and cries and cries everytime we put her on the ground to play with her brother. AND, she's even waking up at night and crying crying crying (screaming) until we go in and rock her to sleep. Since I knew as of yesterday that she was healthy I decided to let her CIO last night for 10 minutes -- that didn't work out well so I went in, gave her motrin and she was calm (she was in my arms) -- I put her in her crib and she began to scream again. SO - I gave her her pacifier, put on her mobile and left the room. DH is out of town until Thursday so I'm trying to break this on my own.

    Last night she was inconsolable unless I walk around the house with her in my arms. She won't even sit with me if I'm holding her -- unreal! She's not hungry, and I've done everything for teething (orajel, hylands tablets, motrin, tylenol, ice, teethers, etc etc etc). So what's her deal!!!!!!!

    I'm thinking she got used to us cuddling with her while she was sick and now I have to break her of it. Any suggestions? I was so annoyed yesterday that I actually put her in her crib and let her cry yesterday afternoon because I had a huge headache from her acting up all day long.

    She's always been very strong willed and has had a temper -- but this is unbearable. Anyone deal with this? How did you cope or break your baby of this?
  2. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    We're currently going through that with Alyssa.. the past three nights she won't go to sleep! DH ended up sleeping with her in his arms and mom ended up on the couch. Apparently she woke up about 5 times during the night to cry.

    It might be teething.. I'm very curious to see what others post.. as I would like to get a 'good' night rest [haha! :blink: ]
  3. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dezmitch @ Mar 24 2009, 11:12 AM) [snapback]1242143[/snapback]
    I'm thinking she got used to us cuddling with her while she was sick and now I have to break her of it.

    This is exactly what happened with my son after he was sick around this age. The pediatrician said it's normal to develp separation anxiety at this age, especially after an illness since they were used to waking up and being held during the night. Once they're better they expect the same treatment. Plus, they remember things better. Before you could put them down and walk away and they forget all about the fun they had playing with you. Now they realize it's more fun to be awake and playing/being with you.

    We did CIO, it was the only way to get through it for us. The first night he screamed an hour, the second night 45 minutes, the third maybe 10 seconds? The pediatrician agreed with our approach, but said you need to be consistent. Otherwise they learn screaming for an hour will finally bring you again and they'll be even more strong willed the next time around.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do. It's not easy. My husband dealt with the CIO because I was ready to cave several times, but he got me to stick it out and I'm glad he did since it worked.
  4. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    It does sound like she just wants some momma time when she is crying. If you do want to do some CIO with her, it's best to have a plan before you start. If CIO is done inconsistently, it can backfire leading to more crying because the baby is confused about whether mom or dad will come if she cries long enough.

    I did the Ferber-style CIO where you check on them for increasing intervals when they were almost 9 months old. Baby Center has a good article explaining how to do it.

    It worked within a week to cut out the last night waking/feeding and to get them to fall asleep on their own. It's hard to listen to them cry, as you know, but it was worth it for our family to do some CIO when we were sure the wakings were more for momma time than for hunger.
  5. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    How about pacifiers? We give them their pacifiers for bedtime and naps only -- should I only give it to them to soothe themselves asleep and don't go back in to give it to them at night? DS doesn't ask for it back, just DD used to happen about 1x a night -- and sometimes it never happened. SOMETIMES we would give it to them in the morning if they woke up at 5am and they would go back to sleep. OR, sometimes if they have a hard time calming down for a nap we would give it to them a few times until they would fall asleep.

    Thoughts on this? Should we just give it to them one time and that's it?
  6. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    OMg sounds like my night and my daughter she's always strong willed and easily angered well yesterday was my first day back to work so I expected them to be a little upset and clingy and sure enough they were and my mom said Jacob was fussy all day well last night DD was up and down and so fussy.....I gave her gas drops teething tablets and a bottle (she doesn't normally take a bottle) but I was desperate that worked for a bit but not long so I changed her again and tried to let her cry it out but felt bad cause I thought maybe she was just upset and missing mommy so I put her to bed with me and that would work for a bit I don't know if she is just trying her boundaries this young or is something wrong.....DS slept pretty good only woke up once fussed for a sexond and back off to sleep.....but trust me I know what you are going through
  7. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    Mine were never into pacifiers, but I think I'd probably get rid of it if it was contributing to the sleep problems (i.e. needing to be popped back in during the night, them waking when it falls out, etc.)
  8. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    mine never took pacifiers either but I agree if it's causing a problem I'd try to wean them off too
  9. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Hi there. Based on her age and the behaviour you're describing, I think it's a classic case of separation anxiety. My boys went through this at the same age (and then again about a year later). My advice is to give her all the TLC she needs, knowing that this is just a phase. Wherever you can do to ease her anxiety (within reason) will help her to feel secure and move through the phase. She'll gain confidence and independence with time. Beware - her brother might start with the same thing any time. Get ready to spend a lot of time sitting on the floor cuddling babies.
  10. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Jake went through the same thing at that stage (and he didn't have any illnesses). I had to tote him around in the snugli for a while. Sadly he went through it again a few months later.
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