Beginning to think there may be more to this issue

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinsnowwhat, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    My little guy (born at 2 lbs 7 oz - now maybe 17 lbs) has had issues with reflux and just generally doesn’t seem as interested in eating, unlike his brother. Which may have had to do with the reflux, not sure. We have been trying to get him off the Zantac and I think we are there. He is still on formula and really is only interested in eating yogurt and carbs (ritz, gold fish, etc.). Very hard to get him to eat anything with protein. He has always had looser and more frequent bowel movements (2-3 per day) I would have thought they would have firmed up by now. I am beginning to think that maybe there is an underlying issue or maybe this is something else to be concerned about. We fret about everything he eats or doesn’t eat and now yesterday DH says how can he poop so much when he doesnt eat anything?
    What do you think?
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Have you brought up your concerns with his pedi? What does he/she say about it?

    FWIW: My one sons poops on average 4-5 times a day at 21 months. Some days it more, some less and it's hardly ever firm (but not diarrhea). Both my boys eat about the same every day and it always amazes me just how much the one can poop.
  3. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    I don't really know if this could be it but I wonder if its the formula. What you described sounds like "formula poop".
    I would definitely put in a call to the pedi. That said, I don't really think that his BMs sound that unusual but your his mom and you know him best. If your concerned, a phone call never hurts, those nurses get tons of calls about stuff like this every day. You don't need to worry about getting labeled a crazy mom or something :)
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree, I would take your concerns to your pedi and see what he/she says about it. I know my DS & DD (while they don't have reflux) usually eat the same things daily and she usually poops about 2-3x day vs my DD who is usually once a day. Her poos are usually pasty as well.
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