Beginning milk

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by JoellePotter, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    So we had our 9 month well baby appointment today (6.5 months adjusted) and the boys looked great to the doctor, just like all other well baby appointments have been.

    Wyatt @ birth: 2lbs,10oz & 15inches............ 9 months: 16lbs,5oz & 25 1/4 inches
    Riley @ birth: 2lbs,15oz & 15inches............ 9 months: 16lbs,12oz & 26 inches

    Anyways, everything checked out very good.

    We are moving from Hawaii on July 1st (their 1st birthday is July 31st, so as you can see a month shy of their birthday basically). I had asked our pedi if the boys should transition to regular milk at 12 months or at 15 months since we won't be here for a 12 month well baby appointment and because we are going to Colorado for 30 days before actually moving to California. She said they would be completely fine at 12 months to make the transition, even though they were 11 weeks premature.

    I am just wondering if this has been the case for anyone else? Do you just start beginning around 12 months? Do you just go cold turkey on formula? Do a little bit of both and slowly work your way into milk? It's seem like I've seen that some of you start around 10 months and slowly introduce, but I was thinking with their prematurity it would probably be better to start at 12 months and slowly work our way into milk instead.

    Any suggestions? Anyone else have babies this early (or earlier) that were given the go ahead to transition based on their actual age and not adjusted?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two were not premature but I started milk a couple of weeks shy of them turning 12 months. I eased them into it, I started with a half formula and half milk mix and then slowly decreased the formula over time until we were out of formula and they were totally on milk. They did pretty well with the transition. Good luck!
  3. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    My goal is no more formula by 1, mine have no issues and were mostly full term. I am going to transition like the PP said. Start with a little milk in the formula and slowly increase the milk while decreasing the formula. Since my older son had issues bowel issues when we transitioned, I am going to try to start in early July.
  4. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    I asked my Pedi about this and he wanted me to keep them on full formula through 12 months. He wanted me to slowly introduce whole milk after the 12 month mark, gradually, like you described. It probably only took us 2 weeks to go from a little bit of milk/lots of formula to all milk.

    Our babies were completely healthy and at the high end of the length and weight scales, but he just wanted them to get the extra nutrition from the formula. I think you can go early if you want, just letting you know what we did. Good luck with the move!!
  5. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I would do what you feel most comfortable doing. I do think a transition is easier on their stomach though, so I would suggest slowly introducing it. (If I remember right, we switched over a two week period.) We started the switch somewhere between 11 and 12 months.
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I started the switch at 9-10 months with all my kids, by 11 months they were on full milk. I also did a transition, 1/4 milk 3/4 formula, then half and half, then 3/4 milk and 1/4 formula until we were on full milk. It helped ease them into the taste of it.
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