Bedtime & "potty training"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MNTwinSquared, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    What do you do when they use potty as an excuse not to go to bed? Audrey has been really consistant about actually being successful at going potty BEFORE bedtime, about 1/2 hour, as we are changing them into jammies. Then, about 15-30 minutes into after they go down it's "Potty." If you say no, then it's "icky." Up until about 2 weeks ago she never went after getting into bed, but then there was a period of time when she was successful - again. They are in diapers 24/7. Clayton follows Audrey's lead. If she goes, then he wants to 'try,' but is rarely successful. I love to encourage her to go, but I feel it is more of a postponement of bedtime. :unknw:
    WWYD? I am in the room when this happens.
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Are you officially potty training? If not, what I say is that after we are ready for bed there are no more potty trips. That's what the diaper is for. If you are hardcore training for night as well as day, then I say let her go. But limit it to once and then not again unless she wakes up during the night needing to go. I've never trained night and day at the same time. I wait til they are totally comfortable with day training first. Aaron still wears diapers at night because he's a very heavy wetter. No sign at all he'll be night trained for a long time to come. You decide how you want to handle it, stay consistent and they'll follow your lead. I don't have time for dragging potty training out over months. We do it or not. They can cooperate or not. If not, fine we'll wait and try again later. That's what I've done with Erick. Right before I went back this semester he decided he was ready. After a week, it was still kind of a game, he was wetting alot in between potty trips so I told him we'd try again when I was done with school. He will occasionally pee in the potty at bathtime and sometimes he'll ask to go and I'll take him but no real training at this point. Okay, not sure any of that matters in this situation...sorry! LOL
  3. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    Hey Jackie,

    Zach did that to us at about the same age. I would also let her try one time and then let it go at that. I agree with pp, if you are not hard core working on loosing the diapers during the day, I would not focus on it too much and would agree that it is just a stall tactic.

    Good luck.
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I make mine go before bath/tooth brushing. I tell them that it's their last chance before we get dressed for bed and then no more potty trips. They've never really used it to stall bedtime though. They like to use extra stories/songs for that!!!
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I went through that phase with Sofia. Going to the bathroom is the last thing we do bed. I told her to look at my watch and then said that when the little hand gets to this dot, we are going to bed. So that pretty much worked. I also tried to teach her that we don't lie or play pretend that we need to go potty. Not sure if that helped as that is kind of an abstract concept to teach a 3 yr old.
  6. Julia Hulsey

    Julia Hulsey Well-Known Member

    My girls used to do that. Hold on they still do. I just let them do there thing up stairs by themselves. If it goes on to long I go back up and tell them to go back to bed.
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