Bedtime Disaster!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by trustinHim, May 15, 2012.

  1. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    What is happening in my house!? B used to be great at sleeping but now he's screaming and refusing to lay in his bed. . . we've given him options of looking at books in his bed and he chucks them back or refuses totally!
    He's been getting physical at times as well. Ideas of how to change this behavior?
  2. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    seriously? no replies?
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It sounds like there's more going on then just not wanting to go to bed. I think the trick will be figuring out what the underlying issue is - if you can solve that, I expect bedtime will start going smoothly again.

    Is he overtired? Scared? Any big changes or developmental milestones recently? How much tv does he watch shortly before bed? Do you have a nice, calming bedtime routine that you do at about the same time, in the same order every night? Is there some reason he might need/want more of your attention right now?

    Just brainstorming some possibilities.
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Does he like stickers? Maybe a sticker chart to reward the behavior you want to see out of him. Put it where he can see it and let him put his stickers on it himself. After a few days of expected behavior reward him. Good luck!
  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking he's either overtired or not tired enough.. have you tried adjusting bedtime?

    Personally, if he refused the books, I'd just say ok, put them away, give him a kiss, and leave.
  6. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like he's overtired since he's getting physical.

    What is his schedule like? Is he still napping during the day? How many hours of sleep a day is he getting?

    When my boys are not tired, they just lay or sit up in bed and talk (they are in separate rooms) until the fall asleep.
  7. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    Same routine every day since birth ;o) Never mentions anything about being scared but I'll ask. We do watch t.v. up until time to go to bed, then teeth, story, songs. We start the bedtime routine at 7:30 but it's about 8:00 p.m. before we are actually in bed. No big changes. He's a twin so attention is limited supply but will try dedicate more time one-on-one.
  8. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    The funny thing is he seems to be the worst when he DOES nap at daycare. The days he doesn't nap he has no problem falling out like a log!!
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Then I'm guessing he's not tired at bedtime. Bedtime fighting = time to cut out the naps for me ;) When it was taking upwards of 90 minutes to get the twins to settle down at bedtime, and their nap time was 90 minutes, it didn't take long for me to cut out the naps. Bedtime fighting went away. I would cut down or eliminate the nap altogether and I think bedtime will become much easier. Or, keep the naps but keep him up later at bedtime.
  10. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Like the PP said, I'd either cut out naps at daycare or on those days, put him to bed later.

    My boys gave up naps shortly before their 3rd birthday but on days they sleep in, I have to adjust their bedtimes, otherwise they don't want to go to bed.

    Like today, I HAD to wake up my one DS at 9:00 because I know tonight, he won't fall asleep until at least 9:00 pm even though their bedtime is 8:00. I will most likely keep them both up until 8:30.

    That is one thing I had to cut out because I noticed it did mess with bedtime. I now cut out all tv one hour before bedtime and that does seem to help with the meltdowns.
    1 person likes this.
  11. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    I you give us more specifics on what is going on during the day we might find some suggestions;)

    My guys are just a bit older that yours and they go to bed so well since we dropped naps. They get up 7-7;30 am and asleep by 8pm. I take them out 2x a day and with lots of physical activities through out the day.

    Posted without reading pp.Cut naps at the daycare.
  12. trustinHim

    trustinHim Well-Known Member

    Yep, told them at daycare yesterday to cut out naps.
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