Bedtime and Waketimes for 6 +/- month olds

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Meghan B, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. Meghan B

    Meghan B Well-Known Member

    Hi! I've seen the schedules that are posted, but I would love to hear from more of you regarding when you put your babies down for the night, if they wake up during the night to eat or otherwise, and when they finally wake for the morning. Thankfully, my girls usually sleep until 7am without waking during the night. I would love to put them in bed earlier (they are usually asleep by 9pm) but when I do, they seem to wake up earlier too--not my goal obviously!! :angry:

    So please feel free to share your experience with this!

  2. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost 6 months. They always go down between 630 and 7 (unless events of the day put us past that, or sometimes if they go without a nap for whatver reason and are just toast, they go down around 615.) Tubtime starts at 6 or 615 depending on naps, then nursing and off to bed. They still get up once to nurse, around 130-230 in the morning, and then down again until about 630 AM. They were starting to sleep through the night before I left for Vegas (a couple weeks ago), but now they both have had colds and are teething so they started waking up again.

    Thankfully we have that 1am nursing session down to a T, get them up, change them, nursing takes about 8 minutes and then off to bed. They have shown that they can go a night without needing to nurse, however, so CIO may be in the future ....
  3. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Mine are a little over 6 months. They go down at 6 pm, they wake at 7 am. They usually have one short feeding between 5-6 am.
  4. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    Mine are just 7 months. They go to bed anywhere between 6:15 and 7pm and are waking around 7am. Aidan sometimes will wake for a quick feeding,but I think it's mostly teething related. They are pretty much only taking 2 naps a day now also. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I should mention that these babies are VERY laid back. They're good sleepers and I know that I'm blessed with that.

  5. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    Mine have never slept til 7! Mine are so tired by 6. We start bedtime at 5;45 and they are usually asleep by 6:30. They always wake by 6:30. Right now they are in a 5:30 a.m phase :icon_eek:
  6. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    At that age mine would go down at 7:30 and wake at 7:00. If they wake an earlier I just leave them in their crib until 7. Everything is trial and error.
  7. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    H & N are in their cribs between 8 - 8:15. Natalie wakes most nights (probably 5x/week) to nurse about 2 am. She usually falls back asleep nusring & honestly I enjoy that quiet alone time with her - I'll be sorry when it stops! They both wake up between 6:30-7
  8. Shannon123

    Shannon123 Well-Known Member

    Mine go down between 6:45-7:00 and are out for the night and will wake anywhere between 6-7am. No feedings during the night for the last month and a half or so.
  9. lkh314

    lkh314 Member

    Mine go down between 6-6:30 and wake twice, once at about 2 am and then again at about 5:30 for feedings. They are up and down in less than 10 minutes and sleep until 7-7:30 am. One baby is starting to skip the early feeding though.
  10. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

    My guys go to bed around 8 pm and I have been having to wake them at 7 am. I would like put them to earlier though. But I am afraid that they will get up at night. I JUST might try this tonight! Thank you for the encouragement!!
  11. LoriAnne

    LoriAnne Member

    Mine are in bed by 7-7:30 pm and will usually sleep until 6am. If they wake up earlier we just let them "talk" and they usually fall back asleep. They will be 5 months old on the 17th and are formula fed for about 2 months now.
  12. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    Our little ones go to sleep between 645-730pm and wake between 630-700am. Our dd wakes between 1-3 times a night, usually 2x's at 1200ish and 400ish, although last night they each woke every 2-3 hours. Our ds wakes around 10pmish, 100amish and 400ish. When they wake I nurse them and they go right back to sleep. It isn't so bad. This is actually better than what they were doing between 4-6 months, now that was hard! I agree with pp about loving the one-on-one time between you and your baby. When they only get up once or twice, I try to cherish those moments- they'll be sleeping though the whole night soon enough!
  13. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    The boys go to sleep between 6:30 and 7:00pm. Both usually sleep until 4/5am, we feed them quickly and put them back in their cribs. They tend to wake up for the day around 6:00/6:30am, but I leave them in their cribs until at least 7:00 when we get up for the day. I wish they would actually SLEEP until 7:00am, but no such luck during these sunny daylight savings hours.

    It's encouraging to read how many babies are still waking for a night or early morning feeding at this age. We were starting to worry that we were creating a bad habit, or that maybe we needed to CIO that 4am feeding. They are SO hungry at that point though, and will not be pacified back to sleep. Does this eventually stretch to a later time?
  14. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    We always start bed time at 6pm Like this
    6pm strip to diaper and into highchair
    feed solids and bottle
    play with daddy in there chairs (he works all day)
    diapers off and into the tubby together (we have 2 safty 1st bath chairs, WE LOVE THEM!!!!!)
    wash babies and let them play in water with there toys (till they start fussing)
    out of the tubby, dry off, diper and pj's
    give everyone kisses goodnight
    i take one (we switch off everynight) into the nursery and in the glider with bottle while DH take other baby into our room and feeds them there bottle. Once they are just about asleep we put them in there cribs (seperate cribs, same nursery)

    we do the same thing everynight so they go to sleep really great!! They sleep till 6:30 usually but there are days when its 7 or 7:30am
  15. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    My girls go down at about 8:30 and sleep until 6 or 7 am. No night time feedings. Occasionally they'll wake up and i just give them their binkies back and they go back to sleep...
  16. lleddinger

    lleddinger Well-Known Member

    DD's boy's are 6 1/2 months and they go to bed about 9:30pm and are up at 8:00am..
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