BedRest/ Work

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Cynthia3200, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. Cynthia3200

    Cynthia3200 Well-Known Member

    Is it common to be put on some sort of bedrest (modified..etc) at some point in the pregnancy? I'm just wondering how many people with twins get put on bedrest at some point.

    Also, for those that work(ed) is it common to be taken off of work weeks prior to delivery? Or did most of the working moms here work up till delivery?

    I'm just curious because I start a 12 week internship on Sept 20 and I will be 23 weeks when I start and therefore 35 weeks when I complete it. I'm thinking I should increase the standard hours a week so I can complete it in less than 12 weeks ( just have to do 120 hrs within 12wks)

  2. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    I think it just depends. I'm 30 weeks and haven't been put on bedrest yet...not pre-term labor, no complications. On the other hand, there are a lot of women here who *have* been put on bedrest, some very early. If you're not experiencing any complications, I'd say your safe as long as you don't overdo it. But, that's JMHO.
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    It depends on each person. I had to leave work at 24 weeks, and had a fairly mellow job at the time. But I was having preterm labor and needed to be on bedrest. My doc said she would take me off work at 32 weeks, but she also said that I would WANT to be done by 28. She was probably right!

    If this internship is necessary towards receiving an advanced degree or job, then I would come up with a plan B and a plan c so that all your hard work does not get derailed.
  4. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    Everyone and every pregnancy is different... I haven't been put on bedrest even though I started having contractions at 20 weeks... It was "threatened" though...I was taken out of work at 22 weeks, but I was on my feet for 8 1/2 hours and with all the contractions I was having at work, they decided it was best that I no longer work. There are however plenty of people who continue to work well into their 8th and 9th month!! I'm just not one of them thank goodness!!

  5. daisydoll

    daisydoll Well-Known Member

    Everyone is right it depends on the person. I am 28 weeks but I sit at a desk all day. The only problem I have is I get winded once and a while but the doctors have found nothing wrong with me. I can possible be put on bed rest at 32 weeks because I start my NST once a week then at 34 weeks I will be doing that twice a week. I drive about 45 minutes to the hospital from my house and then about an hour from there to work. I don't want to be doing all that driving so I asked if that was the time to start slowing down.

    Good luck with the internship!
  6. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I have had no complications but at my DR office, it's mandatory for those expecting multiples to get put on bedrest at 28 weeks, I'm sure mine will just be modified bedrest since I'm doing well.
  7. jesstheca

    jesstheca Well-Known Member

    I started a six week rotational assignment when I was 26 weeks pregnant (two weeks ago). Yeah, I am tired and swollen at the end of the day but working really hasn't been that bad. Pursuant to the pp, I would have been ticked if my doctor insisted on bedrest at 28 weeks. I can't afford to stop working and so far the pregnancy has been just fine. You just have to be mindful of your body and that's pretty easy to do when pregnant. I plan to work up until delivery but I also accept that anything can happen. Above all I imagine that being 8/9 months pregnant with twins is going to be simply uncomfortable--whether I'm working or spending 24/7 on my left side.
  8. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    My Dr. Insisted I go on restricted activity at 28 wks. This meant no work, and no leaving the house alone unless for a Dr. Appt. I was very upset when my Dr. told me I had to start maternity leave at 28 wks. I got 8 wks paid, but I wanted to take all that with babies to take care of, not just loafing around the house. I wasn't having any problems at the time. 4.5 wks after that started I had a pretty active weekend (did a little shopping with my mom and Aunt, and attended a BBQ (although I sat all the time). The next day I went into PTL. Although I lasted another 4 wks on hosp. BR, looking back I'm glad my Dr. made me cut back when he did. It could have been a lot worse.
  9. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Everyone is different. I went out on leave at 23 weeks because the pain in my upper back and chest from sitting up all day had me in tears. My dr. suggested I stop working and take it easy as much as possible. I don't have to be on strict bedrest but I try to stay home all day. If I have several errands to run, I try to break them up to one a day so I don't go stir crazy. So it just depends.

    Good luck!
  10. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    It really depends. I was put on bedrest at 16 weeks. I have a job where I work from home, so I could keep working. But if that were not the case I'd have been off of work at 16 weeks. I did have to stop working at 24 weeks when I was put on hospital bedrest though.

    I know many ladies never get put on bedrest, but I don't know how many work all the way up until delivery.
  11. Cynthia3200

    Cynthia3200 Well-Known Member

    oh believe me, I know everyone and every pregnancy is different. I just wanted to see if more people ended up having to leave work early, than didn't

    I do HAVE to do this internship in order to recieve my degree. My only other option is to start in January when I'm due. That's not going to happen.

    Thanks for the responses!
  12. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    Also depends on your dr. If i was working.. i would have been taken out of work at 26 weeks. I have had not complications, other than what i "create" in my mind...
  13. Susiepie

    Susiepie Well-Known Member

    Early in the pregnancy I kept asking my doctor the same question-does most mommies go on bedrest at some point. She told me no, but it didn't hold true for us. I started contracting at 27 weeks and immediately got put on bedrest. The nurses joke it's because I have such a small frame and I'm just having a hard time carrying two babies, but I think I've done a pretty good job! :a_smil09:
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