Bedrest/ Shortening cervix and Positive FNN

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Colette, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Colette

    Colette Active Member

    Hello Everyone,

    I am new to this forum.

    Here is my story. I am 29weeks 3day preggo with boy/girl twins. At 23 weeks I found out that my cervix was down to 2.1cm and have been on modified bedrest since. Last week I went in for my u/s and found out that my cervix is down to 1.0cm with no funnelling or dialation. I went in on friday for a Fetal Fibronection test and it came back positive. YIKES!!

    I am SO scared of going into premature labor at this early of a stage in my pregnancy.

    Does anyone have similar stories that they are going through right now or have been through in the past!! It is nice to hear that I am not alone!!

  2. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I was on modified bed rest from about 20 weeks because of a shortening cervix and funneling. My boys were so happy in utero that I was finally induced at almost 38 weeks! So just follow the doctor's instructions, take it easy and keep your fingers crossed.

    I don't have any experience with Fetal Fibronection, sorry. Apparently, when the fFN test is considered positive, it is a less conclusive result. It can indicate that a woman will go into preterm labor soon or she may not go into labor for weeks. When the fFN test is negative, the result is a better predictor. It means that there is little if any danger of preterm labour for 7–10 days and can be repeated weekly for women who have a high risk of preterm delivery to gauge if they will definitely NOT deliver this week or if it's a possibility.

    So I suspect they'll keep a close eye on you and perhaps give your twins the steroid shots for lung maturity.

    Just don't push yourself. Best rest is BORING but the alternative (early babies) is worse!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm sorry you are going through all this. :hug: You are almost 30 weeks and that is great. :Clap:

    I can tell you that it is amazing what they can do with babies that are born early. Mine were early as well, see siggy for details, and don't have any lingering issues of being premature. Mine had a very easy NICU stay and came home 5 weeks before their due date. :)
  4. lukesmom325

    lukesmom325 Well-Known Member

    Hang in there. . .I had a positive Ffn at 28 weeks with PTL and was kept in the hospital for 2 weeks. . .BUT did NOT have the twins until 34 weeks!! Like the pp said, a postive Ffn is less reliable than a negative result. . .I also had negative Ffn's at 30 and 32 weeks. . .so that is not a really good indicator of when you will go into labor.

    Good Luck. . .You are doing great!
  5. Colette

    Colette Active Member

    Thank you ladies for sharing your stories. It help to know that I am not alone!

  6. hmounsey

    hmounsey Member

    My story is a lot like yours. My cervix was down to 2.5 at 24 weeks w/ funneling. I had steroid shots, was prescribed progesterone suppositories and I've been on bedrest ever since. I'm now at 29.5 weeks. Last week's u/s my cervix was down to 1.0. I'm not dilated, but have had two positive fFN's last week and this past Tuesday. It is stressful. I have 2-4 contractions an hour, so I try to drink a ton of water and lay around as much as possible w/ a 2 1/2 year old at home, too! The anxiety is the worst part, though. I think it's promising we've made it this long considering our symptoms! Best of luck to you!!
  7. Colette

    Colette Active Member

    calunam - Wow our stories are so similar!! I would love to keep in touch as we go through this so we don't have to do it alone.

    I am wishing you and your babies the best of luck.

    Here is to 32 weeks and then 34 weeks.

  8. orlandojennifer

    orlandojennifer Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Babyplease @ Jun 3 2009, 04:39 PM) [snapback]1339877[/snapback]
    calunam - Wow our stories are so similar!! I would love to keep in touch as we go through this so we don't have to do it alone.

    I am wishing you and your babies the best of luck.

    Here is to 32 weeks and then 34 weeks.


    Hi there,
    I just got out of the hospital yesterday with the same story.I had a routine US tuesday and I was short 2.1 both babies were on my cervix (mo-di boys)Im 26 weeks,and now Im on strict bedrest,only allowed a shower every other day,and no potty trips on a bed pan..They gave me a FNN too,but I had just had a transvag US,so I came back positive.We are going to repeat next week when the "feild" has not been contaminatied.
    They also gave me steiods for lung maturity....very scary!
    Good luck ! Jennifer
  9. Colette

    Colette Active Member

    Hi Jennifer,

    Sorry to hear that! Take care of yourself. I have been on bedrest since 23 weeks with a cervix of 2.1cm then I am almost 30 weeks know. So bedrest can work. Keep positive and we'll all get there.

  10. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    no experience here but wanted to say good luck!
  11. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: I had a very similar experience so I know how scary it is! At 24 weeks I went into L&D on the advice of my OB because I wasn't feeling right. They hooked me up to the monitors and to my surprise they found out I was contracting quite a bit. They checked my cervix and I was dilated, and my fFN test came back positive as well. The next day they did an u/s and found I was funneled on top of it all. I was immediately admitted to the hospital for strict bedrest (I didn't even have bathroom privileges!). Thankfully I was able to make it to 28 weeks 1 day. My girls spent 10 weeks in the NICU, but are perfectly healthy now. :)

    Have you received any steroid shots? Make sure you are staying in bed. Only get up if you absolutely have to! Gravity can do a number on your cervix. Also make sure you a drinking a TON of water, and emptying your bladder often (a full bladder can also cause uterine irritability). Bedrest is so hard, but so worth it!!

    :hug: Take Care Momma!!
  12. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    At 24 weeks I was down to a 6 mm cervix :-( I was on strict BR, had the steroid shots and p-17 shots. I was in and out of the hospital 5-6 times. I finally had a c-section at 36 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. My OB never gave me a FFN because of false positives (or something-or other-don't remember). My twins are healthy and doing great now. It was scary and a rough pregnancy, but the results were fine. Hang in there!! Beth
  13. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I was on bedrest from week 17 for a short cervix. It was less that .8 by 26 weeks and had a positive fFN at 27 weeks (after having a negative one at 25). I ended up having a c-section at 31w6d from preeclampsia, so nothing to do with the short cervix or positive fFN. Good luck!
  14. hmounsey

    hmounsey Member

    QUOTE(Babyplease @ Jun 3 2009, 05:39 PM) [snapback]1339877[/snapback]
    calunam - Wow our stories are so similar!! I would love to keep in touch as we go through this so we don't have to do it alone.

    I am wishing you and your babies the best of luck.

    Here is to 32 weeks and then 34 weeks.


    Babyplease, yes, keep in touch! I'm wondering if we have the same due date??? Mine is Aug 14, not that I'll get there! Yes, here's to 32 weeks....34 would be awesome! I have an ultrasound tomorrow. I don't even want them to check my cervix, it makes me more anxious. Baby A is head down and Baby B is laying across the bottom of my pelvis, so the pressure on my cervix is ridiculous! I'm hoping Baby B will change positions.
    Again, good luck to you and keep me posted!
  15. Colette

    Colette Active Member

    calunam - YES our due dates are the same!! How crazy is that!! Well I hope that your u/s goes well today. Post me with your results if you want to, I would love to know how things are going.

    With me Baby A is head down right on my cervix. They can't even get her head measurement she is so low. When they do the internal we can see her head resting on my cervix. Baby B is on top of her laying across my belly, he is trying to get head down as well but not sure about the space in there.

    YAH is it is 30 weeks for us today!!!! 14 days until 32 weeks

  16. Colette

    Colette Active Member

    Just got home from my u/s and cervix is holding on!!! yeah!!!! it is about 10mm. Short but holding on and no funnelling.

    Babies are doing great
    Baby Girl is 3lbs 12oz
    Baby Boy is 3lbs 11oz

  17. orlandojennifer

    orlandojennifer Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Babyplease @ Jun 10 2009, 02:38 PM) [snapback]1348954[/snapback]
    Just got home from my u/s and cervix is holding on!!! yeah!!!! it is about 10mm. Short but holding on and no funnelling.

    Babies are doing great
    Baby Girl is 3lbs 12oz
    Baby Boy is 3lbs 11oz


    Great Job girlie...Hang in there!
  18. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear your cervix is holding. You can make it to 32, so close!
  19. hmounsey

    hmounsey Member

    QUOTE(Babyplease @ Jun 10 2009, 02:38 PM) [snapback]1348954[/snapback]
    Just got home from my u/s and cervix is holding on!!! yeah!!!! it is about 10mm. Short but holding on and no funnelling.

    Babies are doing great
    Baby Girl is 3lbs 12oz
    Baby Boy is 3lbs 11oz


    Hey! I am so glad your u/s went well! My cervix has been at just shy of 10 mm for about three weeks now. 32 weeks is just around the corner!! I just sent you a p/m. I do believe bedrest works, especially after the experiences I've had the past six weeks! You're doing great. Hope to hear from you soon!
  20. pittmane

    pittmane Well-Known Member

    I hope things continue as they are now, babyplease! Hang in there and tell those babies to stay off your cervix!
  21. Colette

    Colette Active Member

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