Bed Transition

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hanknbeans, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    My b/g twins turned 2 in May. Lately they have refused letting me pick them up out of their cribs because they want to get out themselves. They have never climbed out, but have tried many many times. Eventually, they let me take them out of the crib. Anyway, this afternoon Lilly would not settle down for her nap. I went to check on her and she had taken her clothes and diaper off and was half way over the crib and stuck on the bar (Ouch!). I give them a few months before she (and maybe him) will get the nerve to go for it. Are they too young to go into a big bed? Our cribs convert to full size beds. Also, FYI, we moved into a new house a month ago, and the transition has gone really well.
  2. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    maybe its time..

    i did mine last night.. left the cribs in for a threat.. but they were great crib slepers.. got full size beds..

    they passed out ..

    wish us luck tonight..

    by the way mine are 2 and 1 wk..

  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Well I think you have two choices either switch them to beds or get crib tents because I wouldn't trust them since they are already trying to climb out. I switched my girls as about 27/28mths and it took about two weeks for nights to go well and about a month to get naps back (that's with me having to seperate them in two different rooms for naps). I moved them straight to twin beds and they did fine they both fell out at one point or another but never got hurt. If you think they will listen and stay in bed then I would probably switch them to beds since they don't like you taking them out of their cribs. Can you do what the pp suggested and leave one crib up so if they don't listen they go in there? I would have loved to do that but their room wasn't big enough for 2 beds and a crib.
  4. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    We switched the girls into toddler beds when they were just going to turn two. Kaitlyn had climbed out and we didn't want them getting hurt. The first night we kept the cribs in their room and put the new beds next to eachother. They made the transition well. My only suggestion is that if you are going to switch them into a regular full bed get bed rails so they don't fall out.
  5. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    I don't think it is too young. I know there are those who really advocate 3, but all of mine have transitioned before 2 and it was a snap. Matt was 15 months, Mila 20 , Zach was 16 and Hannah 17. We have had little issues and mostly with Zachary who is my never stop moving boy. But, that was short lived. I should also note that the issues with him started well after the transition and were mostly I think due to the longer day light.

    I should also add that we went straight to twin beds.

    Wishing you the best.
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