Bed rest lifted?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by missjoli, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. missjoli

    missjoli Active Member

    Hi ladies! I was put on bed rest after a trip to labor and delivery for lots of contractions. They also found that my cervix was softening, but I'm not totally sure what this means, I just know it can't be very good. They gave me an IV and a shot of terbutaline (sp?) and kept me for a couple of hours before sending me on my way. My doc put me on strict bed rest (this was Wednesday), and I go back to see her on Monday afternoon. Do you think there is any chance that she could lift the strict bed rest order? Has this happened to anyone?
  2. ldsangel19

    ldsangel19 Well-Known Member

    Anything could happen, but I don't think that's very likely. What's a lot more likely is that you'll stay on bedrest until you deliver. Sorry.
  3. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    The chances of getting off bedrest are pretty slim IMO. You may get bumped up a notch (modified) if they do a vag u/s & determine you haven't made any changes.
    In my case, I was taken off modified bedrest at 27W & given all my freedom back. 2 days later, I was back in L&D & on strict bedrest until I delivered.
    Anything can happen.
  4. monaraj

    monaraj Well-Known Member

    I was rushed to L&D at 20 weeks because of soft cervix, 1-2cm dilation and contractions. I was given IV fluids and after a few hours of observation sent home on strict bedrest and niphedipine for contractions. At 28 weeks my bedrest was changed to modified bedrrest and at 32 weeks I was allowed to stay up as much as I could tolerate. During this time my dilation never changed and contractions pretty much remained the same.
    I hope good things happen soon. :hug:
  5. Things1an2

    Things1an2 Member

    i don't think that it is very likely that you'll be taken off of bedrest. i know that sucks huh....well, i went to a regular doctors appointment at 20 weeks, and the ultrasound showed that my cervix was funneling/softening. i was admitted to the doctor that day, and given a cervical cerclauge (stitched in my cervix) to "hold the babies in". i stayed in the hospital following the procedure for 4 days. when i was finally released, i was put on COMPLETE bedrest with the exception of going to the bathroom, and to weekly scheduled doctors appointments.

    i am now 27 weeks, and things are going well. my weekly appointments have turned into biweekly, and i am looking forward to my 29th week. i was told yesterday that at 29 weeks, i should be able to go to a drive - in movie (seat reclined) with my family - yippie!

    good luck to you!
  6. missjoli

    missjoli Active Member

    You ladies were right. They did not lift the bed rest order. So, looks like I will be joining this part of the forum!
  7. melarthur

    melarthur New Member

    I also had a similar experience at 30 weeks. Also, not quite sure what softening means - I think it is just that the cervix is getting ready to open (could be wrong). My doc says she will let me off bedrest after I have gotten thru my 34th week. Good Luck!
  8. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    I was put on bedrest at 22 weeks for contractions...had to take brethene and strict bedrest til 36 weeks. Dr lifted bedrest at 36 weeks...I gave birth exactly a week later. With 2 healthy babies who were able to come home with me 2 days later, I'm glad I stayed on BR as long as Idid!!
  9. Jaciee

    Jaciee Member

    I was put on strict bedrest at 27 weeks after having contractions, 1.5cm dilated, 50% thinned out. That lasted 3 weeks until I went on modified bedrest. (strict was in bed all the time, only get up to use the restroom and shower... modified for me is being able to move from room to room, microwave my own meals, put my feet down sometimes, eat dinner at the table). I "graudated" to modified since I did not progress any further into labor.

    The farther along you are, there is a slight possibility you can go to a modified rest, because if you are more active at 36/37 weeks and go into labor, it's better than being active now and going into labor. Makes sense? Good luck, it gets better week by week..

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