Bed rest and disability?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by yaniah, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. yaniah

    yaniah Well-Known Member

    So being on bed rest for as long as I have been, and will be, my employer has me apply for my short term disability. In the form that I had to fill out, it clearly stated the reason for strick bed rest is threatened abortion, and extremely high risk or identical twins. Well I got a letter a week ago that said pretty much they don't pay for maternity leave......I'm not asking them to. It wouldn't be a big deal but we are closing on a new house at the end of the month, and me not bringing home any income is driving me bonkers. (I am a person that has to work, I just have to) So anyways, it says, after you have delivered please supply your actual delivery dae, and date last at work. If unable to continue working through you delivery date and wish to be considered for benefits prior to you actual delivery, you will need to provide our office woith medical documentation. These medical documentation must indicate the specific medical isses, which are preventing you from performing your occupation. The medical documentation should include office and treatment notes, test results, prenatal flow chart (I dont even know what that is) and any other pertinent innfo.

    So I faxed them all of my u/s reports stating that I was bleeding, and what not. I read in on eof my books that they can not use pregnancy against you, and it is considered a disability by law. So If I am paying for my disability through my insurance, why are they making this so hard?
  2. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    Do you have private disability or state?

    With my disability, they pay as long as the doctor fills out the paperwork that is required. You are not on maternity leave, you are on a medical leave. Do they not have a form that your doctor fills out??
  3. yaniah

    yaniah Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(HinSD @ Mar 10 2008, 01:20 PM) [snapback]661689[/snapback]
    Do you have private disability or state?

    With my disability, they pay as long as the doctor fills out the paperwork that is required. You are not on maternity leave, you are on a medical leave. Do they not have a form that your doctor fills out??

    Its disability through my work. My work is the one htat had me fill out for it. It is short term. They are technically supposed to pay for 6 weeks, but they skip a week and you only get 5 weeks pay and it is only 60% of what you normally make. My doctor did fill out all the paper work, that is what I don't get. They had even put on the letter that this is your EDD I am not going to wait another 6 months before they decide to pay me am I?
  4. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    I had private disability insurance through my employer. They said they did not offer maternity leave but they did have "pregnancy disability" leave. It would normally kick in 4 weeks prior to your due date but I thought that if the dr said that you could not work it could be started earlier. I really wanted to go out at 28 weeks for various reasons, incl the fact that I was seeing a cardiologist, I had extreme difficulty walking, and I had to commute over an hour each way. Plus it didn't help that I really didn't care for my job.

    Anyway I asked the dr if he would approve leave at 28 weeks. He said to send him the paperwork. I had the insurance company fax the forms to his office. A while later I got a letter from the insurance saying I had been denied. They said there was no medical reason for leave. I spoke with the rep (very nice lady) and asked if they would like paperwork from the cardiologist as well. She said they needed another form from the OB and depending on that poss one from the cardio.

    I ended up getting a copy of the paperwork from the OB. In three pages literally all that was written was my due date. Nothing about my heart problems and no mention of the fact that I was having twins. I couldn't believe it! So I finally got the second form filled out and this time I wrote that it was a twin pg. The rep called me that afternoon to let me know that it had been approved. She said that twin pg is automatically approved at 28 weeks. If they had known it wouldn't have been a problem. Uggh! So at least we worked that out. And not a moment too soon. I got the approval one day before I went on leave.

    So my point is to really stay on top of the paperwork and their policies. I thought the insurance had all the info when they did not. Good luck!

  5. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I would call them. It seems weird to me that disability insurance won't pay for a disability. It should fall under medical disability, not maternity leave. Keep calling them, talk to them and find out what they do and don't pay for and exactly what you need to submit. Sorry you are having problems!! Makes me thankful I had no problems with mine!

    Oh, I think on my paperwork the doctor put "pre-term labor" or "threatened pre-term labor" for the reason for the disability.
  6. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    I had the same issue but the reason I got denied is because my pregnancy related disability was considered a pre-existing condition that was present at the time I signed up for insurance. I appealed arguing that the CONDITION was being diagnosed with PTL and an incompetent cervix and put on bedrest...not just that I was pregnant. They still denied me. I was pretty devestated because I basically went the entire school year without being paid which was really hard considering we were about to welcome two babies into the world! Good luck and like the others said, just stay on top of your paperwork and such. Hope it works out in your favor!
  7. camdensmommy

    camdensmommy Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem, and was so upset. I talked to my doc about it, and showed him what they wanted. He gladly did what they wanted as well as wrote them a note stating why I needed off- twin pregnancy, irritable uterus, spotting, etc. And they approved me pretty quickly after he sent that info in. I think they just want to be pains in the butts because I am sure people screw around with them all the time- but I still think it is wrong!
    I was told that my long term would not cover my pregnancy. And around the time I had been off for 10 weeks, I got a call from the disability guy who said I just wanted you to know we turned in the paperwork for you to have your long term insurance, and you are approved! I was shocked!
    So talk to your doc and have him send the info in- I am sure they will pay for it- I guess they just enjoy jerking us around for a bit, like there isn't enough to worry about :lol:
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Did your doctor fill out any portion of this? I'd ask them to provide what they are looking for, I didn't have to provide any medical information for my forms, the doctors took care of that part, gave it back to me, and we sent it in.

    I do get maternity leave, but I was paid STD from 24-31 weeks, then maternity leave after my 31 week delivery.
  9. amyjoy3

    amyjoy3 Well-Known Member

    You should be covered for the time you have to stay home before the babies are born. Some disability plans cover 6 or 8 weeks after the babies are born, too. Keep submitting the paperwork.

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