becoming sarcastic with my answers

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ohd1974, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    I know all of you twin moms can relate, the crazy amount of questions that get asked when out with your twins. I am almost tempted to write up info cards and attach to my stroller so that people can have one that answers all their questions. My shopping trips are always extended by 20-30 minutes because of questions, and i like to get in and out as quick as possible in case of double meltdown. I went to the bank the other day for a quick transaction. After about the 20th question, one lady kept pestering me. 'Are they both yours?' 'no'I replied, 'I borrow my neighbours babies to take shopping because I enjoy it soo much'. 'Are you going back to work?' Yes I replied. 'well what are you going to do with the babies?' to which I replied 'They will be one, they should be able to fend for themselves by then.' I felt kind of bad after but she was holding everyone up and not to mention the young male teller helping me was clearly annoyed. :pardon:
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :rotflmbo: I love it!!!!! Sometimes I wish I was brave enough to say something like that. I've also always wanted to tell someone I'm not pregnant when they ask when I'm due (wanted to with the twins as well) and just never had the guts! Good for you:)
  3. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    I understand! My new least favorite question is "Are they twins or sisters?" HUH??? Is it an either/or question?
  4. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I'm Greek Orthodox and this is my holy week so I've spent a lot of time in church with all four of my kids and then today we went to the mall to see the Easter bunny. I really have just about had it with the comments. People in the mall were actually turning to stare and point. I am so tired of people telling me that I have my hands full or "God Bless You" said in a way that clearly means God help me. Grrrr. I know that each person has no idea, but after 10 months of it it just gets old.

    Now I am still amused when people as me 1. Are they all yours? and 2. Did you plan on having four kids? I also want to answer the first with "Are you not getting that 3 & 4 are twins?"

    On a funny note, last week I went for a walk with my four and a friend of my oldest daughters and atleast then when people asked if they were all mine I could say "No, only four of them" :rotflmbo:
  5. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    Me too!
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It does get somewhat annoying at times. I try to remember that most people are just genuinely interested but sometimes it's hard. Hang in there, I have found that as they get older, I get stopped less often.
  7. mikeyswife1999

    mikeyswife1999 Well-Known Member

    I have 5 other kids so dh and I thought we were used to the comments but it just got worse with the twins. The few people that didn't notice us before notice us now that we have the twins. A couple of weeks ago I went to a conference with the babies (since I'm nursing) and a friend of mine. At the end of the weekend my friend said she was going to get me a shirt that says "Yes, they're twins. Get over it!!". She was shocked at how many times I got stopped and asked if they were twins, like I was going to take my baby and someone else's to a conference (nevermind the fact that they're identical).
  8. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    we are the traveling side show around here. it's quite the event taking the boys out. people ask, "were they natural or IVF?", "boy/girl twins?" (side note - i have IDENTICAL twin BOYS to when asked this question enough one day i will snap and say "yes thank you would you like me to prove it to you?" HAHAHAH!

    no the BEST thing that has saved hours of stupidity is the look straight ahead/pretend you are busy/play fake phone calls on your cell while pushing the stroller, no direct eye contact....QUARANTEES that you'll save time and annoyance levels ;)
  9. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    What really annoys the heck out of me is when people point and talk about them like we're not even there. I was at Walmart today and they were in their stroller eating a snack. A man looked and pointed at them, nudged his wife and said something to her in another language. They both laughed and walked away. :aggressive:

    If you are going to talk about my kids in front of me, at least say it in english.

    And if I have to hear one more time "oh no, here comes double trouble" I'm going to :angry:

    They are only 27 months, but one day I'm going to have to explain to them what that means and I don't need them being labled as "trouble" just because they are twins.
  10. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    This bugs me too! What also happens alot is that when one boy fusses at all, people immediately ask me if he is the bad twin. Ugh! I wish people would think before they speak because my older kids already get upset over the comments.
  11. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I should have guessed from your son's name. :lol: My boys actually behaved like angels in church this week. They didn't fuss at all over the oil on Wed, took communion like champs on Thurs, and crawled under the Epitaphion on Friday. I'm actually killing time right now before I need to start getting ready for the midnight service. I am really hoping that the boys sleep through while I'm gone. Both of my parents will be here to watch them, but I know if they wake up my parents will end up keeping them up.
  12. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    You could just say, "hey I know understood what you said!" even if you didn't, it will make them think twice!
  13. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    My girls are fraternal. And I get asked, "are they identical?" and I say no, and then they ask, "Are you sure?" sooo iritating! Yes I AM the MOM! and to go into the whole national geographic story of how you can tell or not and a mini biology lesson is just plain annoying. Sometimes I don't even answer, I just brush off both questions, not worth it to me!
  14. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    The good news is that when your kids are 3 and no longer "cute" you don't get pestered as much. One thing that really helped me was to learn to stand up for myself. Most people are well meaning or curious and sometimes they just don't get that you don't have all day to stand there and chat.

    As for the whole bad twin thing... I still get that question. :rolleyes: It makes me want to ask them which one of their kids they like the least or something. On second thought, I'd rather not. I'm sure some people would answer that and that would make me sad.
  15. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I live in NC and used to tell people how much I love the friendliness of strangers in my state. I am so over it! Yesterday I was eating in the food court at our mall and an older lady comes over and exclaims that she "couldn't resist" my girls and sits across from me. And STARES at the girls. After the usual (identical? how old? double trouble!) she offers me hand sanitizer (?!) and says that she had wished for twins with her first child, but "Thank God that didn't happen!" WTF!!!! I left my food on the table, got up, and pushed the girls out of there. Maybe it's just starting to get to me, but I was seriously ill.
  16. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Yes I am begining to feel myself getting closer with the sarcastic remarks too. The are they twins question is starting to annoy me. I even got it in the hospital after giving birth! I wanted to say no I steal babies for a living......
  17. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    People say the craziest things! Normally, I am very polite and just answer people's questions: Yes they are twins, no one is not a boy, yes they are identical, yada yada yada...

    But... Last week when I was flying back home BY MYSELF with my girls, we were going through security and the TSA were checking the baby food and one of the TSA people came up to me and was like, "double trouble! Oh where's dad? Did he head for the hills when he heard they were twins? I would have!" Ummm... no he is in Iraq you butthead! I was so upset and cried while walking to my gate (stupid I know). Probably most of the reason was because DH had just gone back to Iraq 5 days prior, but I still felt like the comment was completely ridiculous.

    In the end, people are dumb sometimes! I don't mind the curious questions at all, but the mean remarks are too much!
  18. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Maybe he was saying "Remember when our twins were that little and how much work we thought they were back then? If only we knew then that it only gets harder!"
  19. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    Only twice in 13 months has someone actually stepped in front of me to ask questions and admire my boys. I think a lot of it is my attitude. I'm a New Yorker and I walk like I mean business, don't make eye contact and when people try to get in my way or approach me, I smile and keep moving. Sometimes I lie when a neighbor stops me, like "I've got to get moving, I'm running into nap time." I also keep the sunshade up even if it's not sunny, and I feel like that gives my boys a little more privacy. If you're sick of the comments, I'd suggest borrowing a little of my bad attitude and keep moving.
  20. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  21. AmyH

    AmyH Well-Known Member

    I'm not exaggerating when i say this, but EVERY single person who asks about them asks "Are they twins?!" I always politely say "yes" but really, what the hell?! Do you think I borrow someone else's baby or what? :headbang:
  22. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I try to be polite when people stop me and ask about the girls but it is starting to get more and more annoying. If both of them aren't dressed head to toe in pink someone always thinks that one of them is a boy! Grrrr. One woman, after being told they were both girls, said "well one of them looks like a boy." Thanks a lot dumba**. I should have responded by saying that she looks like a rude idiot.

    [email protected] Active Member

    I think I've given up on getting anywhere fast when I'm out with the babies. I can deal with most of the comments, but I had someone ask me the other day, "Were they a surprise or did you take drugs?". I wish I could have come up with a better answer, but I said "both". Seriously though, why in the world would someone ask that? I still am slightly annoyed by the, "oh, I always wanted twins" comments. The one I hear most often by far is, "oh, you've got your hands full". A smile and a "yep" is about as much as I give people.
  24. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I guess my DH are in the minority. We don't mind people asking us about our boys at all. If we are in a hurry then yeah I kinda keep walking and smiling so that I don't get trapped in a long conversation. And yes people often do ask if they are twins, but I guess it's possible that I'm just a babysitter taking 2 infants I watch to Target, for instance, or they could be cousins perhaps. And I think it is fairly common, even a little normal, for people to think they want twins. I know I was happy as a lark when I found out I was expecting twins, though like everybody else I had NO idea how hard it would be. But it seems like if anybody says they have pity on twin moms, as opposed to being envious, then some people get bent out of shape about that too. Anyway, I know it can be annoying at times if you aren't in the mood to talk to strangers, but I think most people mean good so I don't hold it against them.
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