
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cohlee, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Ok another food question...

    When did you start beans? What type did you start with? Did you mash/puree or let them self feed? How did/do they like them?

    (I am getting the grocery list ready for 8mo next week b/c we can start all sorts of new foods! Yay!)

    Oh and Sofie got the puffs into her mouth this morning!! woohoo!! :banana:
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We did lentil beans first. They were small and soft and a great finger food. Then we went to canned green beans and peas because they are nice and soft too.
  4. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    We recently did lentils and split peas. Split peas are a HUGE sinker. They won't eat anything with them in it and if I try they won't eat anything the rest of the meal. Smart little buggers.

    Lentils on the other hand were a huge hit. I do my own babyfood but mom bought us a ton of commercial stuff recently. I used earth's best lentil and rice to introduce it and they LOVE IT. I mix the red lentils, apples, carrots and brown rice now. When you cook red lentils they don't hold their shape well. I think I'll start cooking them less (or using brown lentils) so that they can try self-feeding with them.

    Great work SOFIE! Keep it up so mom doesn't have to put all those puffs in your mouth! I gave them rice Krispies the other day - not sure they are any different than cheerios (we haven't done wheat yet) health-wise. They love them but mostly just play with them as if it is an edible sandbox! Since they stick to their little grubby fingers it is easy to get a few in the mouth!
  5. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    My babies LOVE black and pinto beans. I started around 8 months. I buy beans canned in water.
  6. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    We feed a lot of beans (all colors and kinds). I buy the canned organic beans and rinse them well. I used to take the time to cut them in 1/2 and now I just put them on their tray and the do a good job of "chewing" them. The LOVE the beans. Don't be surprised when you find them intact in their diaper (TMI).
  7. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i saw your title and went "BLAAAAAAAH!" I HATE BEANS!!! lol i won't be giving them to the girls but i'm sure my mom will. that's all i wanted to say :)
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Yeah for getting puffs into the mouth!!! Go hand-eye coordination Go!!!

    As for beans, we did black beans and kidney beans (in chili) around 12 months old... mushed up. And we did cut up canned (rinsed) green beans around 11ish months. But I was a freak about introducing finger foods (so scared about choking!).
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