Bea thought she was a boy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    A&B readily identify boys and girls and will just call out that this person is a boy, that's a girl. At the breakfast table, Bea said "Dada boy, Mama girl", which she says out of the blue frequently. I asked her first if Ainsley was a boy or girl, and she said girl. Then I asked her what she is, and she said boy. I said, no, you are a girl like Mommy and Ainsley. I have asked a couple times randomly during the day, and she says "boy". Then when I was changing her diaper, I pointed to her privates and said "see, you have a hoo-hoo, and girls have hoo-hoos". (please, let's not do the "calling it by the right name" debate, that's just what we call it right now). So then after that I asked, and she said "boy, no! girl!"
    I'm not like concerned or anything, just curious if other kids this age are not sure what they are. I just think she had never been told and assumed for some reason she is a boy. I asked Ainsley and she said she is a girl.
  2. c0nfuzd_drumr07

    c0nfuzd_drumr07 Active Member

    I'm in a psychology class this semester and we just finished studying about development of kids and people in general... anyways, we read that children around ages 2-3 might recognize that they are a girl or a boy but up until about 5-6 they think that genders are interchangeable and you can switch back and forth. Once in elementry school is when kids really start to understand that gender is permanant.

    Not sure if that's what you were looking for or not, but maybe it helped it a little. :)
  3. Stacy1976

    Stacy1976 Well-Known Member

    Lily did that a couple of months ago. We were have a chat and I asked her if she was a boy or a girl. She said boy. Then I asked her about everyone in the house and if they were a boy or a girl. She got all of them right. Then I asked her again and again she said boy.

    Since then she hasnt done it at all, but she does pause to think about it and then will always say girl.
  4. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    We've been talking about boys and girls for an entire year now (since they got the 2nd set of Signing Time videos, one has a song about being a boy or a girl). It's literally been during the last three months that they've begun to understand who girls are and who boys are. Until now, they just picked whichever one they wanted to be for the moment! We had a lot of sad moments when they wanted mommy to be a boy and I had to explain I was a girl :( Now, they have pretty much got it down :)
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your responses. I honestly can't remember if I ever told her before that she is a girl.
  6. Saiynee

    Saiynee Well-Known Member

    I tell mine that they are being a good girl, or call them swilly girl, or whatever girl, yet Peyton still said she was a boy the other day. I told her that she wasn't a boy, she was a girl, and she corrected herself. So, you are not alone! :p
  7. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    My boys just told me the other day that "girls have blue eyes and boys have brown." Hmmmm....I had to think about that one for a while, and, weirdly, it's pretty much true for the people in their lives that they are closest to.

    It's easy to forget all the stuff we take for granted as adults :lol

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