Bea and her "stuff"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Anyone else at this age obsessed with her "stuff"? I swear, we can't go from one room to the other without Bea carrying 2-5 items with her. She's also flipping out and screams "Beeeeea's!" whenever Ainsley picks up a toy that Bea has claimed as her own. Now, they do have some toys that are specifically assigned to one of them, but most toys are communal. Bea also wants to take 20 things to bed with her, and to meals to, which I have to put my foot down and say no. I'm sure this is a phase and it's not that big of deal, but it's just kind of weird the way she's so possessive.
  2. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, interesting. My friend Leslie (lgbailey but she's rarely on here anymore) son, Noah, has done this as long as we've known them - since 18mths - probably longer I would guess. They are now 4 1/2 & he always has a handful of toys (usually 3-4 Thomas trains) wherever we go!
  3. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    My boys are older, but they each have a "secret spot" where they hide things. Jaydon's spot is the coat closet and Jackson's spot is the linen closet. The other day I opened the coat closet and it looked like a scene from TV. All of this stuff rolled out onto my feet. And yes, they are possessive over their "stuff". I think it's a normal part of childhood.
  4. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    My girls both do this, and it drives me crazy! I made the mistake of sticking ducks in my shirt just becuase I ran out of hands. Now they do it instinctively. We usually have to bring bears, pillows, blankets, and other stuff after naptime. Or when we leave one room to another it takes 5 minutes just to pack up! Good luck, it's been going on a long time at our house too!
  5. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Oh geesh, this explains Morgan to a T. Morgan sleeps with a bunch small stuffed toys...she has a duck, Elmo, cat, GlowWorm, baby doll, 2 blankies. They are all HERS and only HERS. When she gets upset, Reagan knows exactly what to bring to's sweet.

    REagan just has her "B" (blankie).

    Morgan will get attached to just about anything you give her though...sounds just like Bea. I'm hoping it's just a phase too.
  6. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Yes...yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!

    Holy cow, it is out of control! She has so many things in her crib and then she has to carry them from room to room. The kicker is the gargantuan rabbit my mom got her right before Easter. It is bigger than she is. Let my find a picture...
  7. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    That is Blake in our house! I swear he sleeps with his blanket, pillow, stuffed animals, couple of books and 30 trains every nap and bedtime!!
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    LOL! Great picture Kate! Yeah, what's with them insisting on dragging the largest stuffed animal possible around the house and to bed? Bea has taken to this big giant cat, it takes up too much room in her crib. DH snuck it out and hid it for now. Glad to know it's normal lug all their stuff around with them, I think I'm going to start limiting her to one item though, especially going up the stairs.

    BTW, I saw my spelling error of "ridiculous" but it was too late to edit it.
  9. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    Mine and Beckys story sounds the same. Sean has to have Caaaaasss (cars) around him as much as possible...he has 3 big cars and millions of matchboxes. He carries them like babies. Getting him to share is hard, but I have been putting my foot down on that, telling him, they are connors toys too. If sean gets upset, connor will grab a car, or some kid of toy, and give it to him...maybe just to shut him up!! lol. But yes, bedtime its a million things...airplanes, cars, etc. Connor likes books but is not anal like sean is. Mealtimes arent bad unless we are at a restaraunt. At that point, I let him have 1 car at the table (and it has to be small)...

    Hes been doing it for a while. I dont think its a big deal really, my mother said its normal behavior...I just get annoyed and put my foor down when he thinks they are his and only his. He HAS to share.
  10. Saiynee

    Saiynee Well-Known Member

    When mine were about your little one's age, they had me running up and down the stairs for 20 minutes, getting them this and that. Seriously, they would want a blue car, and the green car, and the elmo, and the farm book, etc., etc. I don't know how they were comfortable with all the junk in their. Thanksully it's only two or three toys now. But, we can't go out of the house without dragging stuff with us. Mackenzie will stop at the door and say, " I have to get some animals" and will rifle through the toy box looking for what she wants. They'll somethimes bring me five things and tell me to put them in my bag for later. This is even if we are going to My Gym, where they have all the fitness stuff to play on.

    Why can't they just drag a blanket around like I did?
  11. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We have stuff like that too! Martin has to have all his Cars cars in bed and Ali just has an assortment of things to chew on. It's amazing how much stuff they can sleep with in the car. But, the upside is that Martin's less attached to "lovie" because he has a lot of other stuff to keep track of!!

    Kate, love the pic!!
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