Bday gifts for 4 yr old boys

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kmbsonrisa, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. kmbsonrisa

    kmbsonrisa Well-Known Member

    Hi all! Hard to believe but my little buds will be 4 in October. What are some good bday gift ideas... Big and small!?!?

  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Everything Imaginext!
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Big - small bikes, power wheel, roller skates, iPod touches or LeapPads

    Small - books, lego, Action Figures (whatever they're into, my kiddo is into Superheroes, so he gets superhero stuff), Art supplies
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys turned four las October. :) Imaginex is huge! They love that stuff! Pirate stuff(playmobil). Playdoh, train table stuff/trains, blocks/building toys, magnatiles(best money ever spent-trust me! Pricey but so worth it!!!), art stuff, legos, and leapster stuff
  5. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Meag - my two played with trains until they were about 4 1/2. Now they don't want to play with them, not even at school.
  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Wow. Anthony still likes them. Any store it's the first thing they go to! That or they just hate shopping! ;)
  7. kmbsonrisa

    kmbsonrisa Well-Known Member

    Thanks all! Those are some great ideas! They are pretty fortunate and have a lot between birthdays and Christmas. The power wheels are a hit!!!! I love those!!!

    Yeah they already have a train table and sadly they ens up throwing the pieces more than play with them so we dont use it much anymore :(
  8. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Morphibians remote control cars are nice. My boys really like them and they can drive in water, grass (cut short), dirt, anywhere and so far can take a beating.

    Leappads are good. My boys love them!

    They are starting to get into board games like Zingo, Go Away Monster, Dominoes.

    Scooters are nice. My boys have Mini kicks which are very nice. They are 2 wheels in front and 1 on back and thin so they are easy to use, and the wheels are soft clear rubber too so they won't mark up your floors if you let them ride indoors and are a soft ride outside. They are good until 5 years old and then there are Maxi Kicks.

    Tinkertoys and Lincoln longs are usually a hit. They also like Hotwheels cars with some of those tracks you can put together any way you want. You can by tracks in a package or individually with connectors and whatnot. Those are fun because they can connect them anywhere and watch their cars drive fast.

    There are the race tracks with remote cars, but some of them are really more for older kids because of how to put them together. I'd recommend the ones that are just the regular Hotwheels cars (or similar brand)

    Playdoh kits and other art type kits are nice. Boys like to do things with their hands so something they can build is often a good idea.

    Whiffle ball, badminton, croket, golf, basket ball, tetherball, Beam-o, or somethign along those lines might be a fun thing for 4 year olds to do depending on their coordination and just plain enjoyment of outdoorsie type stuff.

    Fisher price TRIO set
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