Battle of the DH - a rant

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by silver_stardust, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    Why is it so difficult for my DH to understand that they are STILL ONLY ONE! I feel like I'm constantly having to repeat myself over stuff that he should remember, or to be honest, he should just use common sense. For some reason he thinks that they can chew up a piece of food that's the size of a half dollar! I constantly have to tell him that the pieces need to be smaller... they can choke ya know, they don't have a lot of teeth and some of the food is hard to chew up. And the juice ... he's trying to push the juice. "They don't ever get any", he says. And that's okay with me... they will get plenty when they fight me for it type of thing is my attitude and then this morning when I see the juice cups he was going to give them for supper last night (instead of the milk they always get ... good thing I was standing right there :ibiggrin:) I made him save the juice for a snack time and get them milk, I noticed that the juice was not diluted. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Do I really have to tell him again? Just dilute the juice. They shouldn't need to drink it full strength and it saves on juice. *smack, smack*

    OK, thanks. I feel a little better. I will win this battle, no doubt, but the war rolls on! hehe. :spiteful:
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: you will win the battle, Momma. Be patient. I find that when DH does stuff that does not work and he figures out it doesn't work, I just be patient and let him figure it out. I hate having this little battles with DH.
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    DH gets home earlier than I do, so he's usually dealing with fussy babies for an hour before I get home. I understand that he has to find ways to keep them from melting down (evenings are their "witching hour") but the other day I came home to find him letting them jump off the couch onto a small pile of pillows. :rolleyes: Needless to say, Nate jumped off 1 last time as I walked in the door and hurt his foot. And now they want to jump off the couch all day. :grr:

    Last night we were trying to decorate the tree and he gave them 2-foot long glittery sticks to play with to keep them occupied. Why is he surprised when they start hitting each other with them, and poking themselves in the head?? :gah:

    I feel your pain. ;)
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    It's always going to be a battle over something. My DH is a little more cautious than I am, and I feel like he wants me to follow them around everywhere. It also annoys me that he feeds them the same exact thing every morning for breakfast; I think it makes them picky, but he likes not having to battle them.

    I have found that if I explain some of these things he gets where I'm coming from. He understands no or limited sugar because I made him go in and help me brush teeth the other day. He gave up and said it was too hard. I was like this is why they don't need much sugar, and he really got where I was coming from at that point.
  5. 1sttwins

    1sttwins Active Member

    I once, in desperation, gave my 14mo twins each a juicy juice box. 60 minutes later, I was cleaning poop off them and the floor. I learned my lesson. Maybe dh just needs to figure it out on his own, except for the too big food part... that's dangerous.
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