Baths and 10 Month Olds

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by beanmachine, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. beanmachine

    beanmachine Active Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I have 10 month old twin girls and was just wondering how often babies should be bathed at this age. They don't really get all that dirty yet since they mostly indoors at our house, so it doesn't seem necessary to bathe them each day, but wasn't sure at what point you move to bathing them daily.

    Also, for those of you who give your twins baths on your own (with only 1 adult present), how do you do it? At what point do you think it's safe to have them in the bathtub at the same time? Right now, I put one in a Jenny Jump Up in the bathroom doorway to watch while I give the other a bath since I don't feel comfortable having them both in the tub together yet, but it's quite an ordeal to switch them out when I'm the only adult at bathtime. I would love to hear what others do!

  2. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    We usually put them in the tub once a day, if not every other day. We may not use soap EVERY time, but its a fun thing for them. I have the twins and a 2 year old, so I put all of them in the tub together and take on out at a time. I put a towel on the floor, and dry, lotion, diaper and dress the first. Then I let that one cruise around while I get the second one out of the bath. Then I let them both curise around while I take out my third child. It works for me. Its a workout, but its fun!
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Our boys are 10 months also. They get a bath every other day, and a wipe down (wet washcloth but no soap) on off-days. They get face and hands wiped every morning, too. Now that they are starting to feed themselves, I think they may have to get a bath everyday - maybe every meal! :laughing:

    As far as bathing them myself, I don't. DH is a teacher and is home every evening except one, when he teaches a class at the local university. I just make that night a wipe down night. I realize I'm lucky to have him home most evenings to help me and we've got a good routine down. They do get their bath together (and really enjoy playing together) and then DH watches one still in the tub while I get the first one dressed, then he takes the dressed one and reads to them while I dress the other one.
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I bath my guys every night. I also have an almost 3 yr old and they all get bathed together. I am the one that baths them, I am a single mom
  5. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    2 to 3 times a week. I won't feel comfortable having them in the tub together until they are able to obey when I tell them to sit down. One goes in the exersaucer by the bathroom door and the other in the tub. when the first one is done, I dry him and diaper him on the floor and put him in his bed to play. i take the other one out of the exersaucer and bathe her. she then goes in her bed while i clean up the bathroom quickly. then i get them into pjs and do bottles.
  6. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine always found trouble a little too easily to put them in the bath together. I usually put one in his crib next door with a book or a toy and bathed one and then bathed the other. I always do pretty quick baths and they are lucky if they get bathed twice a week! We wipe them down with a facecloth pretty well every day, but baths are a hassle.
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  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Ive never bathed mine apart. Ever!
    Usually one of us does baths while the other does dinner cleanup.
    When they were younger 8 months or so, I used to put a laundry basket in the tub and put them both in that. It was smaller and I didnt have to worry about them falling over etc in a big bathtub.
    Once they got bigger I did what other posters did I either got one ready right there on the bathroom floor or I would just get them both out and let them have some "naked time".

    We bathed every other day and usually just plain water. Soap is very drying so we saved it for the days we had things like spaghetti for dinner :)
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We started bathing them in the big bathtub around 10 months old and they got baths 3-4x a week. I just kept the water at a lukewarm temp & at a very low level and sat on the floor and bathed them. Our bathroom is very close to the bedrooms, so when we were done, I would get them out of the tub, wrap a towel around them and take them one at a time into the bathroom, finish drying them off and dress them for bed.
    Most bath nights, I was very fortunate to have my DH around and he just helps the process go a lot smoother.
  9. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    Wow, we must be dirty people! :) I only bathe mine 1-2 times a week and the 2nd time is if they get particularly messy after a meal.

    I do put them both in the bathtub but only when my husband is there to help. If I bathe them myself, I do them one a time in the kitchen sink. Sometimes we just put them in the shower with us one at a time but of course this needs to adults to accomplish.
  10. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry Snow Pumpkin, we still only only bathe 1-2 times a week and mine are 16 months!

    At that age they never really got that dirty and I would wipe them down after meals so unless they got really messy we didn't feel they needed it. It may help that they're pretty bald, so I didn't have to worry about dirty hair! That, and baths just made DS's eczema worse. Even now, I tend to save the learning to spoon feed for nights when I'm already planning to do bath!

    As for bathing them by myself, as soon as they were sitting on their own I put them in the big tub together. I just filled it with a tiny bit of water and knelt next to the tub. With toys to play with, they were just fine. When they were done I wrapped both of them in a towel and carried them to their room to get dressed. Our bathroom is definitely not big enough to lay them on the floor to change or to let them crawl around!
  11. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I have done daily baths since 3.5 months. Since DH was deployed, my mom used to come over and help me with dinner/bath time every night, but that stopped at 8 months. So at 10 months, I was doings baths in the tub, alone, daily. I definitely don't think it's necessary at all, but for us it became part of our bedtime routine and I was afraid to break out of it! I can't imagine not giving my kids everyday now though. They are messy messy children and love to rub food in their hair :)
  12. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    My boys are 14mths and they've only ever had about 2 a week. If there is an extremely messy meal an extra bath is warranted, but general cleanliness is 2.

    I've always bathed them together - in they both go - wash up one, wash up the other, let them play and then out they both come at the same time. I just wrap them in a towel with the bathroom door closed and get one dressed then the other. Even if the one 'waiting' throws off the towel, its warm from the bath.

    I've always bathed my kids together - the older 3 bathed together til my daughter was about 5. The boys still bathe together regularly at 5 and 6.
  13. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys are three and they STILL don't get a bath everyday! I have no idea how I would fit in a bath every day! LOL!

    Us-we average at least two a week. If there is something messy, etc-then they have baths then of course-so pasta, syrup, ice cream, dirt, etc. When they were little and I had to do baths by myself... I had a little duck tub, which I could squeeze them into(inflatable, sold at Target), or I could do them both in the sink. I may have done them in the tub as well. They were sitting on their own, so probably. I would bring in the bouncy seat to strap one in, while I got the other one out.

    I think if you do it on your own-you will impress yourself! :)
  14. talktomei

    talktomei Well-Known Member

    I bathe our girls every night if I can. If bathtime is too close to bedtime, I skip it. They are ~5 months old. This may change when they are older.
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