bath tub poops

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rainkane, Nov 13, 2010.

  1. rainkane

    rainkane Member

    So a few months ago Kane pooped in the tub, he continued to do that every couple of baths, and then stopped, now Rain has decided to do it. SO it now seems to be pretty much every bath one of them poops, I even wait until they have their evening poop, but never the less one of them goes in the tub... Rain even smeared it all over his face and I hope to god he didn't eat it but I will never know.....He was facing the opposite direction when it happened I thought he was playing with his lobster toy!!! SO anyway is this them telling me they are ready for a potty? They dont seem ready in any other way, they pee a lot at night, they dont seem to know what "did you poop? means, so Im just not sure what to do,,, but the bath gets a good scrub every night,,,
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Taking a bath is very relaxing. For every muscle ;) That's all that's happening, they are just enjoying their bath and it's relaxing the muscle that holds their poop in. I wouldn't consider it an indication of being ready to potty train :) I do hope they stop soon though for you, that's one of the "ickier" aspects of having a baby! :D
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  3. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp that I don't think it's a sign of being ready to potty train. I think they're probably comfortable and they may be in somewhat of a habit now. We're facing a similar issue of 'pooping at an inconvenient place/time.' Nearly every single time I put my boys down these days for naps or bedtime one or both will poop within 10-15 minutes (right after I've changed diapers) and I have to go in and change them again. I'm assuming they're comfortable and warm and have gotten into a habit of it (I swear sometimes though I think they do it just so that I have to go back in!). It's not as messy as your situation ;) , but equally frustrating!
  4. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    We've had this issue too from time to time, if you can keep a close eye on the pooper, and see if he gets that look on his face, i would put him on the toilet, just to get things in the right places, not because i think that they are ready for training.
  5. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    I agree with other posts. My DD has been doing this for awhile, probably 1-2 times a week. She doesn't poop in the evening at all unless it's in the tub, so that has made me conclude that it really has to do with the water relaxing her muscles - she doesn't actually have to go.

    I also have come to the opposite conclusion you did - I think she's less ready to potty train right now because she doesn't even seem to realize she's done it. She'll see it in there, and pick it up and say "Yucky", but I can't tell that she knows she's doing it. I figure, when she's ready, she'll be able to communicate with me to at least some degree about what she's done.
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