bath time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by someone, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    I'm about ready to stop using the infant baths.. so far they have been petrified of the regular bath when I have tried.. any suggestions? I just bought a blow up bath but don't think they will both fit in at once.. i thought when we got to the regular bath, i could finally bathe them together.. how do you bathe your twins? (they just turned 1). Thanks!
  2. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    I put a few inches of water in the bathtub and put them in there. I have a soft bathmat at the bottom. It seems a lot easier this way to me than the infant bath or the blow up duck..we used both. We just got a few bath toys and let them crawl around and play while bathing them. They really enjoy it. Oh yeah, they will try to stand too. I don't try to stop it, I just closely monitor it. If you are a little concerned with starting them in the bathtub, they have inflatable bath bumpers at bed bath and beyond or online. I've heard they don't hold up well though. Goodluck!
  3. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    We bathe them at the same time. We put a few inches of water in the tub with a soft mat on the bottom, and our main challenge is keeping them from standing up. We remind them to sit, count to 3, and really don't allow standing. It's only workable because my husband and I bathe them together. If it were just me it would be hard to enforce. My daughter has loved the bath from the start, whereas my son was very upset about the idea for a while, and went through a phase of that again after a couple months. I get in there with them when he's nervous and it's helped each time.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i hopped in the big bath with them the first few times we did it. that seemed to ease the transition. now like PPs, i just put a couple inches of water in the bottom, give them a bucket of toys & let them play to their heart's content. i don't worry about them standing up though - it was making me nutso trying to keep them sitting all the time. their balance is usually fine, but i'm always there keeping in a close eye on them, just in case. GL!
  5. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    As soon as they could sit up on their own, I put two bath seats in the tub and bathed them together.
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We went to the big tub around 10 months. The kids bathe together and we just keep the water at a low level, we put some toys and bath books in there to keep them entertained. Ours love to stand in the tub, so my DH and I keep a close eye on them in the tub.
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We switched to the big tub at 10 months too, with just 2-3 inches of water. We put the toys with them also and it helped! We bathe them together but only on nights when we're both home (I guess now that we have a bigger bathroom I could try to do it alone but it's a pain).
  8. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    It's funny, I was just typing a new post about this on my blog lol!
    I do it by myself most nights since my husband works afternoons and they are in the big tub together. I put in a couple inches of water, but I never let them stand up, especially when I am by myself. It was hard at first but being consistent has really helped. Also if they continue to try to stand, bathtime is done and I get them out so they don't even try as much anymore. They have a few toys to play with and a couple of cups. We used an inflatable tub inside the big tub until they outgrew it and I think that helped since they were used to being in the big tub, just inside the littler tub. I'm not sure if I would go out and get one now though since you would most likely only be able to use it for a little while. My guys are so big now that they don't really fit in the inflatable tub anymore and as active as they are I would be mor worried about them slipping on the smooth plastic than I am about them slipping on the bath mat in the tub.
  9. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    We also bathe them together in the big tub. I think we started around 10 months too. They have both had issues at one time or another with the big tub. I would just let the one that was scared stand outside the time and watch the other one play and that usually got them to go in. I put a couple inches of water and we have the Elmo bathmat. I give them a few toys that they only get at bath time. They do try to stand. I try to stop it, but I don't stress too much about it. It's not worth it, especially when I bathe them by myself, which I usually do. As soon as I get one to sit the other is standing. They do the same thing on their chair in the living room. I feel like the more of a big deal I make out of it, the more they want to do it.
  10. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    We moved to the big bathtub around 9-10 months. We use a Bathtub Bumper like this one, and a bathmat that covers the entire bottom of the tub. We also only put a couple of inches of water. I bath them by myself most nights because my DH is a firefighter and works long, random hours. I don't fight the standing in the bathtub. We have never had any problems and it's just not a battle I choose to fight. Amazingly enough, because they are allowed to stand, they hardly ever do it.
  11. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Around 1, they would bathe together in the big tub with a tiny bit of water. It was always as quick as possible. It's challenging but still workable, and around 14 months they started understanding the consequence of being removed from the tub if they stood up, which made things better. Good luck!!
  12. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. Tried bathing them seperately last night in the blow up duck in the big bath. They both were screaming the whole time! I guess they will have to get used to it. I might try bathing them in their baby bath in the big bath and see how they react to that. I have been bathing them in their baths in the sink, so they really are not used to the big bath at all.

    what mat is everyone talking about? Just a regular bath mat?
  13. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My two love the bath, my suggestions would be:

    Use a laundry basket SEE HERE that the water can easily flow through.
    We've used bubbles, toys, and even food coloring to make the water fun :)

    We do them both at the same time. Normally Im home by myself to give baths. I also make them sit. I give 2 warnings, the 3rd time I get them out and baths over---they've learned to sit down quickly.
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