Bath Seat Recommendations

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Sofiesmom, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member


    I've done some research but no seat seems to be perfect (what's new I guess :) ) but what seats are you using and where did you get them? They're still in the "sitting part" of the infant tub, but I would like to have them in the bath together. My 3 yo will also bath at the same time, so I think the seats are safest since I can't hold them every second (of course I won't leave the room).

    Which ones do you have?

  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I have the one that sits over the tup and you can rest on it. It worked well. We also had one that just suction cupped to the bottom of the tub from my eldest. It worked ok until one of my twins tipped it over cauz it wasn't suctioned well enough. I prefered the one that went over the side of the tub.
  3. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    sarah, which one do you mean.. that goes over the side? I saw one with a blue arm rest but I tought it was more of a parent thing for comfort and kneeling. Can you tell us more about the one seat you like.

    May I also ask members whrespond to tell when they began bath seats? TIA :D

    I hope this isn't hogging the thread. I don't mean to. I am just very interested in bath seats an know there is much to learn . ;)
  4. LoriK

    LoriK Well-Known Member

    We ended up just getting the kind that suction cup to the bottom. Some days they work great, other days they don't suction worth a darn. But I couldn't really find any other options...I figure we can endure it for the few months it'll take until they can sit good & steady on their own.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    We went straight from the baby tub in the sink to the big bathtub with no seats when they were both sitting up well. I only put about 2 inches of water in the bottom, so they are able to crawl around in it without going under. I would recommend a non-slip pad for the bottom of the tub if you do decide to go this route.
  6. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I have two different ones...

    Safety First
    This one is good because it is nice and sturdy. I bought 2 of them at first. The tub the babies get their bath in is the same tub/shower me and dh use so it was such a pain because they are a little hard to take on and off (at least on my old tub).

    I then saw that my mom had this one. It was nice because it could come out so easily. But then for us there was a big negative. Seamus was able to get out of it if he wanted. So now I put S in the one with elbow rest and N in the smaller blue one.

    We started at 10 months one week. My boys were late sitters to begin with. The rings still work well for us. I do baths by myself and am able to do so with the rings. My boys can not take a bath without the rings. Even if I put barely any water, they try to stand and I just cant handle 2 at a time by myself.
  7. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

  8. SJV

    SJV Well-Known Member

    We have the Safety 1st seats that fit over the side of the tub. We started at about 8 mos. when they were sitting up pretty good. I love them. They face each other and play, talk, steal ducks, etc. It's alot of fun!
  9. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becky5 @ Aug 6 2007, 07:21 PM) [snapback]360276[/snapback]
    We went straight from the baby tub in the sink to the big bathtub with no seats when they were both sitting up well. I only put about 2 inches of water in the bottom, so they are able to crawl around in it without going under. I would recommend a non-slip pad for the bottom of the tub if you do decide to go this route.

    Thats the same thing we do. I had a bath seat but Thomas would always end up scraping his legs on the plastic part that goes over the legs. I just put a couple inches of water in the tub and lay them on their bellies so they can "swim" around and they love it. They sit pretty well now but its easier to wash them laying down.

    When its time to get them out I just drain the water and get one out and wrapped in a towel and lay them in their crib and then go back for the other.
  10. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    We went from the infant tub to this, then to the regular tub. I found this to be the easiest way to do it. I thought about the seats but then heard to many negative opinions about them. That ducky tub was probably the best $10 I've spent, my girls loved to be in it.
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