Bath Question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hjandrus, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. hjandrus

    hjandrus Member

    I finally added a ticker so I hope I did it right:) I'm a long time lurker and absolutely love this forum and reccomend it to all the twin mommies I meet. I usually find answers to most of my questions already on here but lately we have been having a bath issue. For the past 2 weeks my DD has taken to absolutely Hating her bath. We bathe them together and usually they always loved bath time and splashed and kicked water everywhere. However lately as soon as we mention bath time she instantly starts whimpering and crying?? She has not had a bad experience with water and still loves to wash her hands? Last Tuesday she was diagnosed with an ear infection as was DS as well, could water cause pain in her ear? DS seems fine though and he also has an ear infection? Hopefully this is a phase we will soon pass thru. I miss our fun bath times:(
  2. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    My friends DD went through this and it turned out to last a week or two and then she was okay again. So frustrating when they can't tell you, it is all a mystery. Hope they get well soon!
  3. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    It's not an uncommon phase. Three of mine went through it, to varying extents, and so did my best friends son. I don't really have much advice other than to make her baths as quick as possible for the time being and wait for her to grow out of it. Sorry that's not much help!
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My girls went through this too right around their first birthday. I got some new toys and we just had super quick baths for a couple of weeks and then they went back to loving bath time. Hope it doesn't last long for you too.
  5. Irish38

    Irish38 Well-Known Member

    One of my guys is going through this right now. I think (hope!) it's just a phase!
  6. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    my DD is there, too--but with her, she went from loving the water poured on her head to hating it getting on her face.....i just have to be really careful about not getting her face wet, and she whimpers, but is ok after a bit.
  7. cole715

    cole715 Well-Known Member

    Claire hates to have her hair washed ever since she had a month of ear infections which resulted in tubes in her ears. She still likes the tub, but really ahtes getting her hair washed.
  8. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    Both my guys went through this at about that age! Bath time was horrible for a little while! Probably about a month. I just did really fast baths with them and tried new toys, etc. Until one day they were both in there giggling and playing again! Now they run to the tub and are excited to beat me to the bathroom when they here me or dad say "bathtime!"
    I don't really know what the problem was -- I think just another stage to pass!!!
  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Sarah went through a bath-hating phase around that age. It was awful, she screamed the whole time and DH and I basically had to hold her down while we washed her. :( We finally (after a month or so) lured her back into the bathtub with some new toys, and she was fine for a whole year!

    Recently (after age 2.5) she has hit another bath-hating phase. This time it's something about being afraid of peeing/pooping in the tub, and also being afraid that toys will go down the drain. But she's coming around -- after a few months of this, she's finally willing to sit and play in the tub again, although she still hates being washed.
  10. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    One of my sons went through this. I had a bath with him for a few evenings to reassure him and then he was fine.
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