bath question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by seamusnicholas, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Tonight Seamus figured out how to get out of his bath ring. He then proceeded to stand up. It was pretty scary with just one like this. What happens when they are both out of the rings? I guess my main question is how do you get them from standing up? That is so dangerous. I do baths every night by myself since dh works late.
  2. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Holy cow - I do baths by myself, too, since DH works late or is gone a lot, but am lucky to get them in every other day (or so...) I'm impressed you're doing that.

    I don't put both twins in the bath at the same time. We have a portable high chair/seat that I put the non-bathing twin in , with some toys, and then switch out when the other is done. I think it takes longer that way, but I don't think I could handle both twins in the bath at the same time without help.

    Hopefully you get some good ideas that I can use as well.
  3. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    When we first stopped using the bath rings, I dreaded bathtime (and I usually don't even do it, DH usually does!), one of them was always trying to stand up, etc. We just continually told them to sit down or would end the bath (if they were already clean) if they weren't listening. Since they've gotten used to it, things have calmed down and they aren't standing up near as much. There were a few falls or heads bumped against the tub in the transition though.
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I'm typically alone with them at bathtime. I found it easiest at that age to just get in the tub with them. I never used bath rings so I started out doing this one at a time with the other playing on the rug beside us as soon as they outgrew their baby tub. When they got better at sitting up I started bathing both at once (with me in the tub, still). I think they were 16 months when I decided their balance was good enough that I could quit getting in. We've never had a head bonk in the tub... it's always on the vinyl floor as they're running for the door! :rolleyes:
  5. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    When my girls stopped using the rings they sat on top of a bath mat. It was the kind that lined the entire bottom of the tub and was held on by suction cups. It gave them a little padding in case they slipped and helped them not to slip by giving them some traction. I also made sure that I had a faucet cover on (it's still there) in case they bumped their heads. Fortunately, mine were pretty good about sitting. If they tried to stand we sat them back down and told them no standing. We never had any bathtime injuries.
  6. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    I give baths alone aswell and we only used bath rings 1-2 times before I gave up with trying to wash them while they were sitting in them. I do bathe them both at the same time aswell and I just cont. to tell them they mUST sit while they are in the tub or they will get out.

    Good Luck
  7. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    My kids hardly ever used bathrings...they wouldn't stay stuck to the tub :) I had one of those 3 stages tubs with the built in bathrings...I would use that for one at a time bathing. ANYWAYS...I CAN give them both a bath at the same time but I HATE doing it. I usually feed them dinner, then bathe one in the kitchen sink, while the other eats a cookie or cheerios in their highchair and then swap. there really isn't much room for standing in the sink...BUT, I have just had to teach them to sit when they are in the tub...a no, no, bathtime is for sitting OR a gentle pop on the hiny usually does the trick, its according to how frisky they are feeling to which works :)
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Do you have one of those non-slip/non-skid mats in the tub? That helps.

    We give them baths together, DH does baths solo more often than I do. But we just sit them down if they stand, and after they do it 3 times bath is over. They absolutely love their bath, so they've gotten the hint about the bath ending if they stand and are pretty good about not doing it.
  9. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    I'll give a warning that if they are standing, then we'll get out. I follow thru. It takes a while for them to get it, especially when they are younger!
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