Baseball game with babies

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by AmberG, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    DH wants to take the babies to an Angels baseball game next week. We have a share of season tickets and have hardly been this year. The babies have been to games twice in the evening when they were 4 months old. The first time went well and the second time DD had a meltdown because she was so tired and it was too loud for her to sleep. We ended up leaving early. So, we decided no more night games.

    This time it's a day game that starts at 12:30. We live about 20 minutes away from the stadium. The babies would get their first nap. Their second nap is usually around 11:30-12:00. I guess they could sleep in the car. Maybe they would take their 3rd nap on the way home. 3rd nap is usually around 3. Am I crazy? We haven't really done anything all summer, except go shopping or to dinner for an hour or two.

    Any advice on how to make this go smoothly? I've been working really hard at establishing a nap routine. Will one outing mess it up?
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You aren't crazy. One outing will likely not mess anything up and, like you said, they can probably get at least some part of their naps in the car. Go, enjoy yourself, they might just surprise you & have a great time there!
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am all for incorporating baby/babies into what you enjoy doing, so I encourage you to go, give it a try and see how it goes. I've never been one to sit at home because of babies schedule! :D We've taken kids camping from birth, we're going to the beach in 2 weeks with 5 month olds....etc. Just go, have fun, just be prepared for some bumps in the road, "just in case"! :D
  4. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Yes your crazy :) but thats okay. You have to get out or you'll go crazy and I'm sure everything will be fine and if they don't do well, at least you tried. You can't be faulted for that. I hope all goes well and you enjoy the game.
  5. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    I would go - they may be good in a front carrier and even sleep a bit. I know now mine wont sit still for nothing - so something like that at this age would be a no way, so better go now while you can :) And like PP said just be prepared if it doesnt work or one of you ends up walking around with one of them than so be it, at least you tried.
  6. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Amber i say go for it! When we took the girls to the christening the other day they got the first nap, fed changed and out the door. They were awake for 4hrs before they napped and they dealt with it brilliantly! Had i of done this when they were 4mths old we would not of made it past 2hrs without a complete meltdown twice over. They might even be so into the game that they don't want to leave lol Good luck and let us know how you get along if you go!
  7. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    We took our 4 month old boys to the Mets game last weekend and it was mostly a success. My advice is to feed them and leave immediately and when you get there, scout out a spot in the shade to feed them. We waited too long to find a good spot and they started freaking out, but once they were fed they were fine again. We took the train (about 45 minutes) and wore them in baby bjorns. Be prepared for lots of attention, but it was a fun day. There were 3 year old triplets in our row!

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="mets game"></a>
  8. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Sounds like fun! I would go!
  9. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    You wont know unless you give it a try. Get out and have some fun. They are at a great age for a nice day game. Enjoy!!
  10. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I would bring some crackers along if they like them. GOod luck & have fun!
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