Bahamas Trip

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jennipooh, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. Jennipooh

    Jennipooh New Member

    I'm taking my twins on a Bahamas trip (on JetBlue) from NYC in March. They will be 19 months then and it's our first trip flying so I am pretty scared. I currently have a Citi Mini - does anyone know if I can gate check a city mini or do I need to get myself an umbrella double stroller? If umbrella stroller is the way to go, does anyone have a recommendation?

    Any ideas on what to bring for the plane to keep the twins busy?

    The thought of packing is driving me nuts too.... it seems like there's so much to bring!
  2. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    We took our twins cross country (AZ to NYC) when they were 17 months, and it went well because we had NO expectations... of sleep, good tempers, eating, or anything.

    What we packed in our carry-on for each flight (we packed these in 2 bags because, unless there are 4 seats across on your plane or you bought one seat for a twin and cary one in your lap in a row of 3, you can't sit together (only 4 air masks per row, so no double lap riders in any row)):
    - 48 diapers and one regular pack of wipes (SERIOUSLY)... which we actually USED on the way back (unexpected delay, blow outs, you name it, it happened!) We used the last diaper just before landing in Tucson and DH, who razzed me relentelessly for packing so many on the way out was singing my praises on the way back.
    - Extra clothes for them, you and DH. I thought this was silly, until I needed it. My girls never had a blow out, but I'll be darned, both did and they took out both DH's & my shirt.
    - Food. In addition to many baggies of small dry finger food, we smuggled on all sorts of squeezable food, too. I think someone told me one small snack in individual baggies (meaning one for each twin) each for each hour you will be on the plane.
    - I wouldn't go overboard on toys. We took new books (one each), small toys (we took cars and Pooh figures, but honestly, we didn't use half of the toys we brought, and I didn't load up. As far as entertainment goes, the girls were much more thrilled by tearing up the in-flight magazines, climbing all over DH and I, playing with the tray, playing with the cups our beverages came in, playing with the seatbelt straps, making faces at those around them (especially those who responded back).

    We did an umbrella stroller on United, but ran into twin friends of ours (in Chicago no less) and they had their Citi mini (not sure what airline).

    Good luck and go with the best attitude possible.
  3. rtsbeacon

    rtsbeacon Member

    I suggest bringing sippy cups for all of you. Your husband might laugh, but its very hard to have a beverage on the plane with a baby in your lap and not spill it. If you bring the ones that have the handle that is not connected on the bottom, you can sorta clip them on the seat pocket.
  4. Jennipooh

    Jennipooh New Member

    Thanks for all your help!
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