Bad night, worse morning, I'm dreading the day

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Safari, Jan 30, 2007.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    I didn't sleep well last night (my sleep usually sucks because of my chronic illness, but it was awful last night). I can't nap.

    The girls woke up crying and screaming at 5am (instead of 7:30). Cranky and miserable, refused bottle. Finally got them to drink and back into bed around 8am.

    We are on a 1 nap schedule. So the rest of the day is screwed. I don't dare wake them. I'm taking the little bit of peace and quiet now.

    But I doubt I'll be able to get them to take another nap. They are going to be cranky all day. I'm absolutely miserable. I'm impatient, short tempered and grouchy. I've reached my limit (it was a bad wknd for me too). DH says he can't stay home. The only help I have is a babysitter, but she has college classes all day.

    So it's going to be just the 3 of us cranksters all day long. [​IMG] Thx for letting me vent. Maybe it won't be as bad as I fear (although I'm pretty confident it's going to be worse and I know I'm not making things better by being such a *!tch).

    How do you handle the days when you feel like you just can't do this anymore???????
  2. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    I didn't sleep well last night (my sleep usually sucks because of my chronic illness, but it was awful last night). I can't nap.

    The girls woke up crying and screaming at 5am (instead of 7:30). Cranky and miserable, refused bottle. Finally got them to drink and back into bed around 8am.

    We are on a 1 nap schedule. So the rest of the day is screwed. I don't dare wake them. I'm taking the little bit of peace and quiet now.

    But I doubt I'll be able to get them to take another nap. They are going to be cranky all day. I'm absolutely miserable. I'm impatient, short tempered and grouchy. I've reached my limit (it was a bad wknd for me too). DH says he can't stay home. The only help I have is a babysitter, but she has college classes all day.

    So it's going to be just the 3 of us cranksters all day long. [​IMG] Thx for letting me vent. Maybe it won't be as bad as I fear (although I'm pretty confident it's going to be worse and I know I'm not making things better by being such a *!tch).

    How do you handle the days when you feel like you just can't do this anymore???????
  3. ABeeCDandE!

    ABeeCDandE! Well-Known Member

    Oh, hugs to you! I find we are taking a turn for the worse now that the kids are older and mobile. All I do is break up fights, rescue kids from falls, try to pacify my 4 year old with TV which I said I would never do.

    Since your normal schedule is out the window...can you do a mid-day bath for the babies, or take them out to a drive thru for a coffee or something? Anything to mix it up a bit. I was going to take my crew out today, but the wind chill is -17 degrees here! Yikes!

    Being a mother of twins is a tough, tough job. Hang in there!
  4. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    Maybe a miracle will happen and they'll be in a better mood when they wake up. Can you catch a little 15-min. catnap? Sometimes that works wonders for me. Other than that, take a deep breath and have some chocolate.....LOL! That usually works for me. I'm where you're at right now about 75% of the time, so I know how you feel. Hang in there.... and count the hours til bedtime. Here's a big hug.. [​IMG]

  5. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member


    I feel for you! We've been having trouble sleeping through the night for the past couple weeks - and it just feeds on itself....

    What I do, when I've reached my limit - w/no help in sight - is declare pj and bed day - I stay in my pj's let the boys stay in theirs - or switch to clean ones - and then we all hang out in mommy's bed for the day... I put on a kid friendly movie (FYI - I do not let my kids watch tv at all...except during these occasions when I've had it - so this is a big deal) and we play on our gym in the bed, snuggle, read stories - and veg. out. It seems to help me more than them - but it's worth a try???
  6. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    You are in Cali...

    On the days I just can't take it, I show a Baby Einstein video, sometimes twice.

    Can you go for a walk outside? Is it warm enough? Will they tolerate it?

    Do you have a neighbor you can talk to? Sometimes I put the kids in a stroller and walk to the neighbors and just chat. It makes the time go faster.

    I know it is hard!!!! Big hugs!!!!
  7. shellworley

    shellworley Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] long hot shower, plenty of coke, some chocolate,keep thiNking I AM THE LUCKIEST MOM TO HAVE TWO BEAUTIFUL BABIES!!!, and then count the hours to bedtime! If they like the bath then I would let them get in and just keep adding warm water. I hate days like that!
  8. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    I know that days like this are tough! I agree with PP that maybe you could do something "different" to mix the day up a little bit like take a drive somewhere....can you go roam around Target to kill some time?? Or like the PP said, go to a drive through and get a coffee??

    My girls are younger than yours (7months) and when we have one of those days I put up their jumper in one of the doorways and play their reggae music (it's called "Reggae Playground" and it's AWESOME!! they LOVE it!!) and put one in the jumper and dance with the other one for about 15 min. and then switch...I do that for as long as we all can handle it...that usually puts them in a better mood....

    Let us know what you do!! Good Luck
  9. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    I was right there with you last week- I cried at everything- the girls weren't sleeping, they were cranky, then they got sick again, which meant even less sleep. Then when they did sleep- I didn't ?? [​IMG] So, I hope your days go better than expected!!!!
  10. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I get out of the house when I feel that way. Even just a trip in the car. Do your babies like that? Mine like to look out the window and I like to drive-thru the coffee shop for an afternoon decaf!

    It kills time and winds everyone down a bit.
  11. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by ABeeCDandE!:
    Since your normal schedule is out the window...can you do a mid-day bath for the babies, or take them out to a drive thru for a coffee or something? Anything to mix it up a bit.

    I really like Bee's idea! I would mix it up too! I know how you feel, some days the no napping and crankiness just puts me through the roof and I am so grateful to be able to go to work at night [​IMG]

    I am definitely not cut out to be SAHM!

    Here's my [​IMG]!
  12. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Yeah there is a few days you just wish someone would come round and take them so you can just sleep! I like to take them out in the car if the are cranky. It doesnt make them sleep any more but it does make them quiet. Or go for a walk. If all out fails just eat chocolate untill it comes out my ears that always helps!! Hope it gets better for you [​IMG]x
  13. LeslieLu

    LeslieLu Well-Known Member

    Aww I'm sorry. [​IMG] One of two things can happen today..they will either surprise the heck out of you and take a second nap OR they will be as cranky as you are anticipating in which case if at all possible...get out of the house. Whether for a walk or a drive. My girls have suddenly decided they only want one nap as cold as it was here yesterday I bundled them up and we did the errands that didn't require me to get them out of the drive thru, gas in the car, carwash, etc. Oh by the way..LOVED the car wash! I also second the Baby Einstein videos!! Nothing calms the girls down like their videos...I put them in their rocking chairs and turn it on and I don't hear a peep out of them til it's about 30 minutes. Good luck today.

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