Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sagertwins, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    Ok I went to Wic the other day for the first time in a long time cause I always feel so bad when I leave there.
    My girls are going to be 14 months old on the 26th of December. They are a small for there age as for Caitlyn is real small boned and weighs 17lbs 14oz and Mariah is big boned and weighs 18lbs 9 oz. Well anyways when I went in the weighted them and checked there iron levels and they said Im not feeding them enough food for there little bodys and that they are not tall enough for there age as well I wanted to ask them what you want me to do pull them by there legs to make them taller or what and if they wanted me to shove food down there mouths as for they eat like a horse now. They treat them as if they are a single baby not a twin and that they were full term as for they were not they were born at 36 weeks and had problems eating and breathing at the same time when they did bless us. I mean I felt so bad when I left there that day that I wanted to cry as for I felt as if they were calling me everything but a good mom.
    What you have done or said and I correct for feeling so bad.
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I am sorry that they made you feel so bad. Did they give you any advice or help for some of the issues they pointed out to you or just sent you on your way??
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    They shouldn't have made you feel bad. I am so sorry that they did :hug99: Did they ask if you would like them to see the Nutrionist? When mine were about your age, they had to see one because they were smaller as well. But with preemies it is normal for them to be a little behind average.

    Now, they are perfectly healthy 3 year olds and are actually overweight!! So, now they are being referred to the nutrionist for being overweight!!

    You can't win for loosing!! hang in there!!
  4. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    OH PLEASE do not feel bad. I had something similar happen and it ate me up for too long. Please don't do the same.
    My kids also eat like horses, but my DD is only in the 10% for weight. I agree that you can't force them to eat.
    I also agree with PP's where they asked if they gave you any advice? We add whole fat yogurt to my DD's milk to get her to drink it and get more fat, and I also use olive oil on ALL vegtables for both because it tastes so good and provides good fat. Maybe that will help a teenie, weenie bit.
    But please don't feel bad. They don't live in your house with you all 24/7 to know anything. Seriously!
  5. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to send :hug99: I am sorry that they made you feel that way.
  6. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    They never really gave me any ideas on what to do they just sent me on my way. Mariah is in the 10th % for her age and Caitlyn does not even show on there charts. But she also has relex so we deal with that as well. I just feel as if Im doing something wrong as for I never had problems with my other 2 kids.
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Is Caitlyn on meds for the reflux? If not, if you can get her on some that might greatly affect how much she wants to eat. How about adding some higher calorie foods to their whole milk yogurt like a pp said. Or even the Gerber Stage 2 meats...the chicken has a bunch of fat in it that you could mix with something else. Mine love the Boca Chicken Patties and they have a bunch of fat in them too and they are quick to cook in the micro. Maybe you could call them and ask them if they have any advice for you??
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :hug99: I'm sorry they made you feel so bad!! :( :hug99:
    I imagine they are used to seeing many many babies and kids in there that aren't getting good attention to their growth and nutrition and aren't accustomed to twins (my doc wouldn't say that my babies were preemies at 36 wks. 2 days either!).

    I would have said "I'm working closely with their pediatrician to monitor their growth".

    That old addage is true - 'you can't force a kid/baby to eat or sleep' :hug99: Just keep doing your best and you and the babes will be fine!!! :hug99:
  9. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry that they upset you like that! You could ask your dr if it's OK to give them some pediasure. Just to give them more calories. I had to do that with Ty because he was always small and thin.
  10. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    It bothers me that an organization promoting the health of "Women, Infants, and Children" would be so obtuse about their growth (not to mention your ability to control it). :rolleyes:

    My boys were 18 & 19 pounds and 14m. At 21m we are 21 & 22 pounds...they are just peanuts.

    My doc always says so long as their personal growth chart line kept up with the slope of the 50th percentile line that was more important to him than where they fell above or below the 5-95 lines (we're often near the 5-10th percentile in height & weight). I like this philosophy and it makes sense to me.

    Not Bad MOM....bad WIC WORKERS...shame on them.
  11. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I am so sorry they made you feel like a bad mom. :hug99: You definately are NOT a bad mom. The fact that you care so much shows that you love them alot and do care. Shame on them for making you feel like that, and if they are so concerned they should have pointed out what they think is a problem and then given you some solutions. I'm sorry and I hope you don't believe them. :hug99:
  12. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I would ask to see a nutritionist. WIC should have them on staff. As long as you are feeding them healthy meals/snacks/beverages in appropriate quantities you are not a BAD MOM! How much milk do they drink every day? What kind of things do they like to eat? If your pedi or nutritionist really thinks that they are underweight they can give you tips on how to add calories to their diet. Things like adding cheese and butter to veggies, peanut butter, full fat yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. Don't be too hard on yourself! It's not like you're letting them guzzle soda from their sippies and eat fast food and cookies for every meal!
  13. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    Well thanks for all the support.... I was asked how much milk they drink a day about 22 to 32 oz a day one cup of juice and the rest is eather water or once in a while some kind of koolade. But here is a small thing of what I feed them.'
    they get toast with eather peanutbutter or cream cheese on it usally they each eat 2 whole wheat toast, 2 eggs scrambled with cheese on top. once in a while I will add some cottage cheese in the eggs. Lunch they will eat a jelly sandwich, with a banana cut up or cup of mac and cheese. supper they eat good I make them 1 cup of veg they eat every veg out there like tonight they had peas & carrots, Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets. There snack for the day as for when they are not eating there 3 man meals they eat.... fruit bars, fig newtons, gram crackers, peanut butter creackers, cubed cheese, string cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, they eat alot of things that there is out there. Not sure what else to feed them anyone have any idea what else I can feed them.
  14. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    At Sophies 19 month appointment she only weighed 19lb1. My doctors were worried for a while too but then i think they just realised she was going to be small. I worried that people were going to think i didnt feed her as her brother is 7lbs bigger than her! But the docotrs told me as long as you she is following her groth curve and doesnt fall off it too much there is nothing to worry about. Sounds to me as you are feeding them the right foods. Mine get a piece of toast and cereal for breakfast. Usually a piece of fruit for a morning snack . Then sandwiches, another piece of fruit and a yoghurt for lunch. Then a biscuit or 2 for a afternoon snack and then the dinner which is something mac and cheese or soup followed by another yoghurt (they love yoghurt!) or ice cream or custard. Honestly you are not a bad mum it just sounds like to me that you are going have to have a couple of petite girls! x
  15. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    We've always been told that A&A are too small. They are tall but skinny. They are now on the growth charts but it took a long time. As long as they are healthy and seem to be eating a balanced diet, I wouldn't worry about it. Don't feel guilty!
  16. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I have been thinking about this post a lot since yesterday. It is really bothering me b/c I can only fathom one reason why they would treat you in such a way....To get 'significant' (in their favor) research data about how being seen/treated at WIC actually improves... (link to WIC-promoting research) .

    I can understand that, from a sustainability perspecitve, the organization would need to prove itself in order to continue being funded...but at the expense of the 'good' it is supposed to be doing?

    I truly hope this was an isolated, poor-staffing incident and not an organizational flaw. WIC is a valuable program...I'm saddened to think of those who might miss out on their resources b/c of this kind of treatment :(
  17. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    My DD is a peanut and out eats her brother who is 50th %tile. Its her stature and she was full term. Some babies are just petite and you really can't fatten them up. Don't feel bad because you know you are doing whats right for your kids and if your pediatrician has not mentioned anything, you are doing just fine!
  18. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    at 19.5 mos I don't even know if my DD weighs 20 lbs - she eats well but is a high energy, high maintenance child and burns it off...she's in about the 1st or 2nd percentile for weight and between 5th and 10th for height - pedi is NOT concerned as she's keeping her own curve and hasn't fallen off of it...she was a 3.5 lb 36w baby

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