bad behavior for mommy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by D.R., Mar 24, 2007.

  1. D.R.

    D.R. Member

    I need to know if anyone else has this problem. My boys are really well behaved for my husband and parents, but with me they can be an absolute nightmare. Sometimes they are good, but other times they are horrible. They do not listen, throw fits when they don't get their own way and whine like crazy!!! I have tried everything and I do not give in when they act like this so I can't figure out why the bad behavior has not stopped. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Mason and Cameron - born at 38 weeks on 11/26/03
    They are 3 yrs and 4 months old
  2. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    They know how to push your buttons!
    They know it and do it. Mine are a few days younger then yours and I know they see me get mad at something and some days they do it I swear to see mommy go red. Dh pointed this out so sweetly(yeah right ! [​IMG] )
    I have to change the way I do things most days. Especially when they used to whine. Its now stop it or get punished other choices. One or the other.There old enough top know some things are right or wrong. Lauren still get super mad at me ...yesterday I told her no more it or your out of here(meaning gone from the room till we're all done if she dones't want to help). Took 2 tries but she was better.
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    My suggestions are keep being consistent and wait it out. If you do you will see the rewards of this 'torture' once the phase passes. I remember starting a thread just like this when K&K were just shy of 3. We had gone to Florida to see my ailing Grandma and I had asked my parents to watch the munchkins so I could take a shower. I was sooo frustrated because they really were pushing all my buttons..........when I got out of the shower I was watching them out the window and they were little perfect angels. I am not lying when I tell you I took the longest time EVER getting ready because they were behaving sooo well. They finally came looking for me but it was soo nice to see they knew how to behave when I wasn't around. The responses to my thread were pretty much that they know I will love them unconditionally so they know they can push push push. The key is to stay consistent with how their pushing is handled and as the phase passes you will see how much your children have benefitted from you showing them the right things to do!!
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    My DD does that to me sometimes!! [​IMG] She's just miserable in my presence (I'm thinking back to our Hawaii vacation) and she is a perfect little angel when my parents are watching her! Or anyone for that matter! It's TOUGH to deal with! I never did find a good solution, sorry!
  5. 2kids2go

    2kids2go Well-Known Member

    I was just getting ready to post pretty much the same question! My twins are b/g and they seem to do nothing but scream, cry, whine, fight, hit, and back talk from the moment they get up in the morning! It is driving me nuts! I feel like I must be handling things all wrong for them to act that way. I bought the book Nanny 911 written by the women who do the tv show and I hope that I will learn a thing or 2. But I sure could use some tips on this from other experienced moms too! Thanks!

    Bree & Chase 7/29/03
  6. HappyMomOfTwins

    HappyMomOfTwins Well-Known Member

    It is so refreshing to hear I am not the only one going through this. It is so frustrating and it seems as though no matter what I try they still, whine, cry, fight and don't listen! I hope this phase passes soon!
  7. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    Same issues here. We constantly have family "helpers" at our house. When I get home from work, it's a free-for-all for about an hour with M&M. All the family says they do not act like that at all until I get home. It's almost as if they are fighting for my attention. I find that if I sit down with them for about 15min. when I walk in the door (as opposed to looking at the mail,going to the bathroom, or changing my clothes) that they behave a little better. I'm so looking forward to the end of this stage!!!

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