Back to the night terrors

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, May 17, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Kiefer got night terrors early in his life and they seemed to end around 1 years old. Well, tonight it came back. He's been in his twin bed for a few nights now and he's really taking well to it (his choice, not mine). I don't think it has to do with the twin bed, but I did notice he seems to be at a loss as to where his pacifier is when he wakes up. As usual, DH thought Kiefer was crying cause he lost his paci or couldn't find his lovey, but he was fast asleep and screaming his butt off. DH panicked and picked him up, Kiefer would not wake up. He had forgotten that you aren't supposed to wake up a night terror, but be available if they do wake up. Luckily he didn't wake up, but DH asked for my help. I got him a new paci and just sat next to him in his bed. I listened to him as he cried. He really was not in a good state, not screaming, but definitely frightened and asleep. DH was getting more and more agitated that I wasn't waking him up or appearing to actively do anything. He wanted me to feel around for a lost paci since he wasn't sucking on the one he had originally. I didn't want to scare him more so I waited to see if his gasps of air was going to progress to more crying. He's rolling back and forth and I could see his cries were starting to escalate again so I offered the new paci. he was asleep, still, but took the paci and calmed down a little. He was still breathing like he was in mid fear, but he was calmer. I gave him a very light kiss and pulled up his blanket. He was still kind of rolling so I don't suspect his blanket will stay on his long, but I wanted to do something for him. We left the room and so far he's alright. In the past, I'd pick him up, which probably wasn't the best plan, but I couldn't sit around and watch a 7 month old scream like he did without doing something. I still wouldn't intentionally wake him up though.. At this age, you just want to keep him calm, but not wake him. DH calmed down too. So far so good. Kiefer seems to have moved on from his night terror. Thank goodness kids don't remember their night terrors when they wake up. I just hope this isn't a prelude to sleep walking. I heard it can be. I also hope this is a rarity. They are so hard to watch! he looks so scared when it happens and it can only get worse if I wake him up.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: It sounds like you and your DH did the right things. I've read that children do grow out of night terrors...not sure about the sleepwalking connection though. Hopefully this will pass for him soon :hug:
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Man, that must have been so heart-wrenching! I suspect Jack has night terrors as well, but he always wakes up. I really hope this is a short phase for poor Kiefer! :hug:
  4. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Sigh...he just had another night terror tonight. I found him face down with his butt in the air kicking his feet and legs back and forth screaming. I went inside to try to comfort him somehow. I wouldn't normally pick him up, but I didn't want him to suffocate in the pillows. He was shaking and twitching in my arms. I tried to calm him down (without waking him up), but he would not calm. I laid him back down. He was still twitching and screaming, but I managed to get him to lay down. He wouldn't take his paci, which didn't surprise me since he was still asleep and has no idea what is going on. I just stayed there and pet his head saying "shhh" softly at him. He started to calm down. He had a few gasps. I thought all was ok. He rubbed his eyes and he yawned, then suddenly screamed again. It built to even louder screams than before. He turned to his side and continued his screaming. Oh gosh, are these night terrors hard to watch!

    Eventually DH came in and we both sat by his side. DH rubbed his legs gently so not to wake him, but enough to feel like we are doing something. He again eventually calmed down. DH was able to give him his paci and he continued to calm. We stayed there for another 5 minutes to make sure he didn't get upset again. This one lasted a good 10-15 minutes! He's good now. I don't think he woke up during any of that.

    Poor boy :( I'm glad he won't remember it when he does wake up, but why is this happening? He went to bed a little earlier than usual today as we are trying to get him prepared for preschool in July. I don't think he was over tired. He went to sleep almost immediately after we tucked him in as usual. He was sleeping so quietly before all this. I can hear him breathing through his video monitor. He wasn't restless either. Maybe too much sugar? He ate a little late tonight.

    I guess I'll have to keep watching him then. It's so heartbreaking to see him so upset and not being able to do anything about it.
  5. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Ugh, it's a horrible experience (for us, the parents...). My DS has had 3 night terrors and my DD has had one. They scream so loudly. My DD's lasted for 30 minutes. I watched the clock and it moved painfully slow. My MIL was here and she wanted to call 911. We told her no, although it does sound something horrible is happening. The only thing I've found is mine are usually a bit over stimulated or off schedule when it happens.
    We have to take them out of their room because it will wake the other one up, it lasts so long. We try to be quiet and not wake them, but we don't have any choice. I hope the rest of your night is peaceful.
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