back from allergist appt....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jdandson, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    so we got a totally different outcome than expected, they are not(so far) allergic to bananas and apples like we thought, but instead allergic to eggs!! they are also doing the blood work to completely rule out the others, and find out how allergic they are too eggs. They did do the skin test, and it blew up immediately where the egg was placed!! overall it wasn't a bad appt, the worst part was the blood draw(they do it like adults!!) no so much fun.
    That being said does anyone have a good eggless birthday cake recipe!! and can you name some not obvious foods that contain egg, i am trying to compile a list of the NO foods....
  2. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    so we got a totally different outcome than expected, they are not(so far) allergic to bananas and apples like we thought, but instead allergic to eggs!! they are also doing the blood work to completely rule out the others, and find out how allergic they are too eggs. They did do the skin test, and it blew up immediately where the egg was placed!! overall it wasn't a bad appt, the worst part was the blood draw(they do it like adults!!) no so much fun.
    That being said does anyone have a good eggless birthday cake recipe!! and can you name some not obvious foods that contain egg, i am trying to compile a list of the NO foods....
  3. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Wow that stinks! Blood work in kids is AWEFUL!

  4. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Try this cake recipe.

    GL w/ everything
  5. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Not much fun, but it sure is nice to know. My kids are/were all allergic to eggs. That top recipe in pp's post is the recipe I use all the time. We like it alot. And, my kids all have outgrown the egg allergy. But, when getting vaccines, be sure your doctor knows they have an egg allergy, because at least one vaccine involves being made with eggs (I think it's one at 12 months). Also, I think most stores sell what is called egg replacer. It's energy brand, in an orange and yellow box, and usually by flours. Just be sure to always mix it good with water to make it really work.
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Not sure if you know this...there is something in the Beechnut baby foods that causes an allergic reaction in babies with egg allergies. I'm sorry I don't remember the ingredient (I want to say DHEA or something like that). My sister-in-law had to rush my niece to the hospital when she was approx. 7 months old because of a reaction to the Beechnut and later found out about the egg allergy (as well as beef, nuts, shellfish). Just a little FYI!
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    [​IMG] Thanks for sharing!!

    I'm sorry you found that, but is it one they can grow out of?

    Check out the cooking forum and ask some of these questions about the eggless stuff!! [​IMG]
  8. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    you might be surprised, depending on the extent of the allergy to eggs, what your kids can work with eggs in it. baking things, like cakes with eggs, changes the protein structure of the eggs and things like milk (caseinate protein), and it might not affect them too much, if at all. My three nephews are allergic to milk, soy, and eggs...but they can eat birthday cake! Now, the icing has to be made with other stuff (my sister uses Imperial Margerine from walmart) (icing is not baked, so the proteins dont change).
    Might not work for everyone...but just something you might want to check out. Oh, and they can eat reeses cups, but not m and ms. we just learned to try things out...a little at a time.
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