Babysitter...a first for us.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by FirstTimeMom814, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We are having a sitter come on Saturday for the first time ever. Do you all usually leave a list of phone numbers? Do you pay cash or check? Do you give them access to a computer? Anything else you can think of?

  2. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    I leave a list with the numbers for the pediatrician/urgent care, our closest relative and friend, our neighbors, my cell and then my mom's number since she would be able to get here the fastest if (God forbid) something happened to us. I like to cover all of my bases, just in case! We usually pay cash, and unless it's a close friend/relative we do not give them access to our computers. I sometimes will leave cash for pizza and a list of instructions for the TV remote and VCR/DVD player as well as a definite time to expect us. I think that's it? :)

    I hope you're getting to do something fun!
  3. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We usually pay our sitter with a check, but she is here for several hours per week (while I am home studying) so it's usually a sizeable check. I think either is fine, in my experience anyway. We leave a list of our cell phone numbers and make sure that we have them accessible at all times. If for some reason they wouldn't be, we would leave numbers of local relatives and remind them that in an emergency we expect them to call 9-1-1, then us or our family members. There is a hospital about 6 blocks from our house. We also have taught her how to administer albuterol in the event that our asthmatic son has an attack. We don't let our sitter have computer access - she can use the TV and if she wanted to bring her own laptop computer to use after the kids went to sleep, we would allow her to use our wireless network (it has never come up). One thing I have learned is that I have to clearly dictate everything I expect - cleaning up (if desired), feeding them - when and what they are allowed to have, language and other behaviors that we feel strongly about, expected behavior of children and discipline if that's an issue (probably a bigger issue at our kids' age than yours), bedtime routine, etc. Thankfully, your kids are old enough that they can tell you how it went. :)

    Beyond that, good luck to you!!! It's hard to leave them the first time, but it gets easier as you build a rapport with the sitter. I hope she is great fun for your kids and that you enjoy your evening out! :hug:

    ETA: We had a babysitter when the boys were 15 months old who screamed at our babies very harshly when they didn't cooperate with her verbal requests (15 months old!!). DP had just gotten surgery, so she was in bed in the next room - that's how we know. That is why I noted to address expected discipline, etc. We now tell all sitters that we don't yell at our children and expect that they won't either - Time Out is an option if all else fails. Seems silly, but apparently you never know what is reasonable to expect. :)
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    How old is the sitter? Are you picking up and dropping off?
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    She's a nanny by profession. She's in her 20s.
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    No babysitter experience just wanted to say :woo: Good luck and enjoy!!! :woo:
  7. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    We always pay cash for our sitter (about $8-$10 per hour depending on what time she comes, if she feeds the kids etc)...we don't expect her to clean up but she (and the kids help her out) always picks up their toys etc...she has our cell #'s and my mom lives 100 yards away so if there's an issue Ashlee can practically go on the back porch and yell for them!
  8. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    I agree with laying out all of the expectations. When our babysitter first started with us (and even if my mom or MIL come to watch the kids), I would write out the daily plan and what I expect to happen while they are in charge and write up instructions for TV. I usually go over it verbally, but if it isn't written down, they may forget. If they don't do it that way, I don't really care, but if they need some advice, especially if someone is melting down, at least they have something to go to. I also try to make sure that they know what stuff goes with which kid (ie clothes, toys, crib/bed) so that they don't try to pull on over on the sitter. I go over what they should/should not eat, and what they are allowed to watch, because you know someone is going to say - "but mommy always lets me have candy right before I do X" or "daddy always lets me watch Y". I also agree with going over discipline techniques as well.

    If I have the time, I will also try to have something different for them to do while the sitter is there - a project, game, puzzle, something that they will enjoy. If the kids are happy, then everything usually goes smoothly.

    I usually tell our sitter to help themselves to whatever they can find in the house to eat and I allow access to our laptop. We try to pay cash - but have paid check before as well. I leave a list of all the phone numbers including neighbors that will be home.

    After I have done all of that, I can feel comfortable when I go out that I can enjoy myself and that the kids are being taken care of. One of us will usually check in every 2 hours, so you may want to get a contact number for the sitter so that she isn't expected to answer your phone.

    Have fun and enjoy your time alone with your husband!!
  9. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Enjoy. The PP's have given you lots of advice. My kids don't see 'babysitters' very much and I think I have only paid for them twice in 4+ years! So.. my one thing is that I would not let them use the computer here. Enjoy!
  10. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My babysitters are mainly family and my friends' teens when we are down the Cape.

    I always pay in cash. We pay between $8-10 an hour. I actually keep a list of phone numbers on the kitchen wall. My cell phone, Doug's, my parents number, and the pediatrician's number. I used to write out instructions in the beginning, not so much anymore. I make sure to leave pajamas out for the kids. I always make sure that I have some snacks/soda available for the sitters. As my sitters are my nieces, I let them use my laptop. I also let them know they can order an on-demand movie if they want to (after the kids have gone to bed).

    Will the sitter be putting the kids to bed? Just make sure that you write down their routine at night so she knows. Be very specific about what you expect from her. My kids tend to behave a little bit better for the sitters because they love having them over, so I've never had any discipline issues.
  11. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I leave phone numbers, we pay cash ($10 to the older babysitter and about 8 to our niece) and I allow access to the computer to my babysitter who is 22 and has lived across from my moms house so I know her well. I dont allow computer access to my niece who is 14.

    I have a typed out directions for how to work the tv/dvd (why are tv's so complicated to work!)

    I typed this out and saved it and now just print when I have a babysitter and fill in the blanks...

    ( time ) DINNER
    - milk

    Please put leftovers away in fridge.

    - If you go outside and have to bring one in, make sure you bring the other in too. They cant be outside on their own. They cant do the big swing on their own so you have to stay really close.

    ( time ) MILK in sippies in family room while they play or you read books

    - Bring them into the bathroom.

    P..J’s and night diaper. You can put them on in family room.

    BEDTIME- Go in their room:
    -Prayers (they can sit on your lap or on the floor in front of you)
    -Icon (they each kiss the icon that is on the dresser)
    -They climb into bed.
    -Chap stick
    -Cover them- give them their 'friends'

    Press Mountain Stream on noise machine

    Press play on cd player (Big Blue Button)

    If they seem to be saying something as you leave it is this…
    1. Love you Bunches
    2. I Love You
    3. Goodnight

    Each one says it and wants you to repeat it. So Seamus will say, “Love you Bunches” and then you say it back to him. Then he will say “I love you” and you say it back and the he says “Goodnight” and he says it back. Then the next one will do the same thing.
  12. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the advice girls. It makes me feel better that my kids are older now and can help the sitter figure something out should they need to. I've written everything down, so I think we are ready.

    Nicole, :wub: your boys are so sweet.
  13. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Seems like you have everything covered. I just wanted to add that as well as phone numbers you should write out your address. Just in case there was an emergency bad enough that she needed to call 911, because it's easy to forget an address under stress, especially one you don't know well.

    Hope everyone has fun!

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