Babyfood question/Pedi instructions

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by navywf757, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. navywf757

    navywf757 Well-Known Member

    My babies had their 6 month check up a couple days early since we were in there for recheck on ear infections. Anyway the pedi had told me before I could start them on baby food "whenever I want" at around 3 months. Well I waited until 4 months and some change to start them on cereal and went from there. Well I had asked when should they be eating 3 meals of solids a day and he looked at me as if to say NOW. Well I don't know if I agree with that. Right now they eat ceral mixed with fruit and formula in the morning and they each get a half a jar of veggie and fruit in the afternoon (2 whole jars of stage 2 single veg/fruit between them) So he says now to have 3 meals and then bottles too. They are taking about 6-8oz every 3 hrs and will go all night without a bottle until 7am. He also told me to introduce meats as well. What has your pedi have to say? Below is our feeding/nap schedule. I don't even know how I would introduce a third meal right now. Lucas weighs 15lbs 1oz and Delilah is 16lbs 1oz. Thanks for your responses.

    7am 8oz bottle
    8:30/9 nap
    10 ceral/6oz bottle
    11/11:.30 nap
    1 8oz bottle
    1:30 nap
    4 6oz bottle
    5 veg/fruit
    6:30 8oz bottle
    7 bed
  2. navywf757

    navywf757 Well-Known Member

    My babies had their 6 month check up a couple days early since we were in there for recheck on ear infections. Anyway the pedi had told me before I could start them on baby food "whenever I want" at around 3 months. Well I waited until 4 months and some change to start them on cereal and went from there. Well I had asked when should they be eating 3 meals of solids a day and he looked at me as if to say NOW. Well I don't know if I agree with that. Right now they eat ceral mixed with fruit and formula in the morning and they each get a half a jar of veggie and fruit in the afternoon (2 whole jars of stage 2 single veg/fruit between them) So he says now to have 3 meals and then bottles too. They are taking about 6-8oz every 3 hrs and will go all night without a bottle until 7am. He also told me to introduce meats as well. What has your pedi have to say? Below is our feeding/nap schedule. I don't even know how I would introduce a third meal right now. Lucas weighs 15lbs 1oz and Delilah is 16lbs 1oz. Thanks for your responses.

    7am 8oz bottle
    8:30/9 nap
    10 ceral/6oz bottle
    11/11:.30 nap
    1 8oz bottle
    1:30 nap
    4 6oz bottle
    5 veg/fruit
    6:30 8oz bottle
    7 bed
  3. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    We didn't give the girls three meals a day until they were about 8 months old, maybe closer to 9 months. I don't think most people give three meals at 6 months - especially since a lot don't even start solids until that point. I would do whatever you're most comfortable with. If you want to wait a little before introducing the third meal I would.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I am very interested in what responses you get. My girls are 2 weeks away from their 6 mo. appt. and last visit we were told that we will talk about the third meal at this upcoming visit. I feed my girls only 1 tbsp. cereal and a 1/2 jar of veg or fruit each day as well as four 6 oz. bottles. Any more than this and they are spitting up like crazy! I am with you...I can't possibly imagine having to feed them more!?! I was told by my pedi to not cut down formula (as this is where their nutrition is coming from) so that's why we cut the cereal way down. Anyway...good luck and thanks for posting this so I have some ideas when their 6 mo. appt. rolls around.
  5. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    7:00- Bottle
    7:30- Oatmeal with fruit or veg.
    11:00- Bottle
    3:00- Bottle
    5:00- Oatmeal with fruit or veg.
    7:00- Bottle and Bed

    My boys have 4 6-8 oz bottles and solids twice a day. Each solid feeding consists of 3 TBS cereal each and 1 Jar stage 2 each.

    A month ago the same except 2 TBS cereal each and 1 1/2 jar split.

    I dont think they are ready for 3 meals. Sometimes they leave ounces in their second bottle of the day. I learned that formula is more important than solids right now so I would be concerned that adding another solid would have them take less formula.
  6. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    WOW that really seems early to be giving 3 solid meals a day. My girls will be 9 months in 5 days and I give them 2 solid meals and 3 8oz bottles. I will begin a 3rd meal soon but I'm holding off because I want them to eat more of their bottles.
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Most people give meats around 8-9 months, around the same time they go to 3 meals. In your case I'd go at a pace you are comfortable with. My guys are about a month older than yours and we sometimes don't get 2 meals, let alone 3!
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We didn't start solids until 6 mos. So we were no where NEAR three meals a day. In fact, our doctor didn't recommend 3 meals a day until 8 months, but we were closer to 9 by the time it was worked into our routine.

    Also, we didn't start meats until around 9 mos. And even then, it was limited to chicken and turkey (no beef until closer to one year).
  9. FondofTwins

    FondofTwins Well-Known Member

    I think the big thing is to be comfortable with what you are doing. Some pedi's don't really pay attention. Also, the kids are still supposed to be having 40 oz of formula a day. Solids are slowly taking over, but aren't enough to provide all the goodies the babies need. If you aren't happy, then don't do it. The harm is in forcing your kids to eat too much, not in waiting for their stomachs to develop.
  10. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We didn't start 3 meals until 9 month (more like 9.5 months). We didn't offer any meat until maybe 8 months.

    I would go with what feels most comfortable for you. Most of their nutrition until they are 12 months old should come from formula, and I was just not comfortable trying to give them 3 meals any earlier than I did because it would decrease the amount of formula they took in. Now, since they are quickly heading towards 11 months, I'm starting to feel comfortable with the slow decrease in formula intake because they are now eating a ton of food with a healthy variety. But they still take in more than enough formula as well.

    Solids was one of my biggest struggles, and I finally just figured out our groove and did it my way. I do also recommend the book "Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense" by Ellyn Satter.
  11. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I think you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. My girls are 11 months old and still not getting 3 meals a day. They arent taking any table foods yet, their choice, not mine. Our shedule looks like this

    6am- 7oz bottle
    9am- 4oz bottle
    11:30- Fruit chunks in mesh feeders, 1 jar of fruit each
    2pm- 7oz bottle
    4pm- 3oz bottle
    6:30- rice cereal mixed with 1 jar of baby food and 1/2 jar of pear juice each
    7:45pm- 8oz bottle
    8pm- bed
  12. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    My ped said the same at 6 months. I started three meals at 7 months. My DS rarely eats anything at evening meal. I try not too stress about it. I figure he'll eat when he is hungry. I haven't started meats yet.
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