Baby wraps, carriers and slings....

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lisagayle, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    So I'm pretty crafty and with my DS I wanted a sling so badly but they were outrageously expensive (as at the time I was a single mom and couldn't afford much) so I made my own ring sling. It turned out awesome, and I even made a few to sell and for various friends who were having babies. Now since we are having two I'm trying to find something that my DH can wear without feeling like he's been robbed of his manhood because I cannot carry both of them at the same time and we also have a rowdy 2 year old (who will soon be a rowdy 3 year old) to keep track of.

    I've been looking at all the different styles and I'm thinking about the Mei Tai style. Have any of you ever used these? Were they pretty comfortable? Any other style you think a man would wear and not feel stupid?

    I'm going to try to make a Mei Tai sling and see how it turns out. I figure I can make one with cheapie, bargain bin fabric for the test run and then if it turns out right I'll go for the real deal. Any other crafters on here have experience with making these and any tips to share?

    Thanks ladies! You all are WONDERFUL!
  2. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    There's a TON of great info over on There's even a do it yourself forum (DIY) and lots of people there have sewed Mei Tais. I used Mei Tai, ring slings and wraps very successfully with the girls and plan on using them with these boys too (and bought a few new ones for these guys too!) They also have a FSOT forum and you can ususally pick up something like a Babyhawk for cheaper than retail if you want to try one before making it. (I know I can sew almost anything if I have something in front of me to look at while sewing, but since I'm so visual it's hard for me to envision if I haven't tried one before.)

    As far as something DHs would wear, my DH wears mei tais and SSC (buckle carriers like Beco, Action Baby, Ergo). He does have a few wraps and will not hesitate to use them as long as I tie them on for him (I bought him a few dark colored wraps that he uses). But the MTs are wonderful for men.

    But yes, babywearing with twins is essential IMO. It saved our sanity many times over!!
  3. maeghanalyson

    maeghanalyson Active Member

    I had a baby hawk and my husband LOVED it! He also didnt mind wearing a wrap from time to time. ANd for two...i put one in a ring sling in a hip carry and one in the BH on the back. I also make my own wraps and ring slings. I dont do Mei Tais though lol I just buy BH!

    DH wearing alyson (20 months) in a BH
  4. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    Personally, my DH would never wear a wrap or sling style baby carrier. He loved the baby bjorn (I know, expensive) so we bought two of them for this time around. He also loved the Ergo for when the baby is ready for a back carry (we didn't get ours until our son was about 10 months, but I think you could start earlier). I think we'll just stick with one of those. I loved my Hotsling in the hip carry starting at about 10 months (this time I will try the infant carry) and I also bought a Moby Wrap for this time around. I covet the beautiful mei tai's on ETSY and may eventually invest in one :)
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