baby weight gain - should i worry?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by li li, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Until our little ones were 4 months old, the girls were quite close in weight. At 4 months Maia was 13lb 7oz and Tal weighed 13lb 4oz. She's also slightly taller (50th versus 25 th).

    In the last 4 months however, Maia's weight has shot up (over 5 lbs to 18lb 10oz) whilst Tal's has hardly changed (only 2 lbs to 15lbs 5oz). Both have changed the growth curve they're following Maia up one and Tal down one.

    Both are breastfed and have gradually started solids in the past 2 months. Both have reflux and are on different medications. Maia adores breastfeeding, Tal often seems too fussy or distracted to feed properly (even in a dark room etc). Both will eat solids, but neither are enamoured with them.

    The child development place - who weigh and measure them - worry about Tal's lack of weight gain and send us to the pediatrician. He doesn't worry about Tal but tells us Maia's too fat (nearly 75th percentile weight for height). For reasons too long for this, I have very little faith in our pediatrician.

    Should we be worried? Who about?
  2. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Until our little ones were 4 months old, the girls were quite close in weight. At 4 months Maia was 13lb 7oz and Tal weighed 13lb 4oz. She's also slightly taller (50th versus 25 th).

    In the last 4 months however, Maia's weight has shot up (over 5 lbs to 18lb 10oz) whilst Tal's has hardly changed (only 2 lbs to 15lbs 5oz). Both have changed the growth curve they're following Maia up one and Tal down one.

    Both are breastfed and have gradually started solids in the past 2 months. Both have reflux and are on different medications. Maia adores breastfeeding, Tal often seems too fussy or distracted to feed properly (even in a dark room etc). Both will eat solids, but neither are enamoured with them.

    The child development place - who weigh and measure them - worry about Tal's lack of weight gain and send us to the pediatrician. He doesn't worry about Tal but tells us Maia's too fat (nearly 75th percentile weight for height). For reasons too long for this, I have very little faith in our pediatrician.

    Should we be worried? Who about?
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Emma was a pound and a half bigger than Jacob at birth....NOW, he is bigger than her by a pound!! And this has happened over the last 3 months or so. I wouldn't worry unless your ped is worried. Sounds like she is still gaining, just at a slower rate! [​IMG]
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Did they really said tha Maia is fat??? If so that is absurd. I know plenty of babies who are 18 lbs. at 8 months. All babies gain weight differently, even twins. I wouldn't worry about it, she sounds fine to me, they both do. They will slow down their weight gain once they start moving around. With my two, Trevor is a good 2.5 lbs. bigger than Emilie. They are fine.
  5. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    Here is what I notice with the long term breastfed babies. Many start slowing down their weight after six months. My own daughter (our single girl) didn't gain an ounce between six and nine months. As long as her height is still going up than she is gaining enough weight.

    If they are fraternal that is another big thing - they will gain weight a different rates!

    I say as long is she is gaining height and not acting lathargic, don't worry about it! 90% of all the long term breastfeeding kids I follow do this. The growth charts are designed for bottlefed babies so whos to say they are correct!

    And I agree with what a pp said about Mia - there is now way a breastfed baby could be "too fat". They take what they need and that is it! My son was 20# at six months and now he is this scrawny six year old! When you start messing with their hunger cues is when things really go wrong!

  6. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    My daughter and son are 7 months old. She is 20 pounds and he is 18 1/2. If your daughter is fat, then mine is obese! LOL
    My ped is not worried about mine's sizes or the differences. I think yours are just fine.
  7. Christine100700

    Christine100700 Well-Known Member

    You baby is by no means FAT!!! My singleton first DS was 20 lbs by 5 months and was exclusively breastfed. He is now 3 1/2 and 40 lbs and 40 inches tall and solid muscle and looks thin. Breastfed babies are usually rolly polly and gain quick then taper off. Get a new Ped...that Ped is an idiot!
    I think your little ones growth sounds just fine. Each baby takes their own route growth wise.
  8. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    Mine were both 18 and a half punds at 6 months, now probably well over 20 pounds. I don't like what your pedetrician had to say. I personally would look into a new one.
  9. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I personally don't believe there is such a thing as a too-fat baby who's breastfed. Babies are supposed to be chubby! I would get a 2nd opinion just for that. I don't know how you like your Child Devel. place, but I love mine & tend to have faith in them. Maybe they could recommend another pedi so you can get a 2nd opinion. I don't know much about weights, etc....every time we go in they tell us they're small for their own age, but they're following their own curve so they're fine.
  10. sj3g

    sj3g Well-Known Member

    If they saw my (formula fed) babies, they'd be shocked then... They were each almost 19 lbs. at their 6 month appointment!! And neither one has nearly as many rolls as my oldest dd did at that age who was breastfed. [​IMG] I think you might be happier if you looked into finding a new doctor.
  11. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    thank you all so much for your responses. i too think the doctor doesn't know what he's talking about - although he's supposed to be the 'best' doctor in town. i did try to point out that as both DH and I are slim people, the likelihood of maia developing a longer term weight problem was probably quite low - he was doubtful. as are we of his clinical skills; oh well, we're on the waiting list for another doctor.
  12. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Can you switch pediatricians if you have no faith in them?

    My neighbor had a chunky little monkey girl who is now 2 and stretching out.....some kids stretch out and some don't. I would switch pedi's and find one you like and then listen to that person! (not a person who tells you only what you want to hear!)
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