Baby Shower Questions

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Stephanie1074, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    Just curious. My mom keeps asking when I would like to have a baby shower... I really have no clue! I am 24 weeks now and I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a good point in pregnancy to have one. With my fist my shower was about a month before my daughter was born, but this time I know they could come early.
  2. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    I was 25 weeks at my first shower, my next one is coming up this weekend, I'll be almost 31 weeks. I worried about making it to this next one as it's out of town, but so far so good, i am starting to feel more tired but think that I'll still be able to enjoy it. I'm curious at to what others have to say, I don't know if I would want one much later than 30ish weeks, I am having strong nesting impulses to get everything done and put away before I physically can't, and that window of time is slowly closing!
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I'd plan it in the next 4-6 weeks, the longer you go the more uncomfortable you'll be and the shower will be very exhausting. Mine was at 30 weeks, although we'd have liked to have it at 26-28 weeks, but I was on hospital bedrest until 28 weeks and then my sister quickly put the shower together upon my release. I was still on bedrest, so I laid on my chair and the shower was held at my house. But I was pooped afterwards.
  4. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I had mine at 26 weeks (I insisted on having it earlier than later when I was asked about a date). I'm glad I had it when I did b/c I ended up on bedrest at 27 weeks.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would have it earlier that way you still feel up to putting things away from the shower.
  6. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    I am having mine at 29 weeks (Monday). I wish I would of had it a little earlier but my church is throwing it for me so I can't really complain. I know that every day it gets harder for me to do stuff. I am doing a little bit everyday. I am making DH go to the shower also b/c I know it is going to wear me out. It is also from 6pm-8Pm so I know I am really going to be tired. I seem to get more tired and swollen at night.
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    DH's family is having a "baby shower brunch" for me and my SIL that is pregnant in 2 weeks, I'll be 26 weeks pregnant. Then for my shower I'll be 28 weeks.
  8. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I had mine at 27 weeks.
  9. jeepwife

    jeepwife Well-Known Member

    We're planning on Nov 10th or the 11th. I'll be 31 wks then.
  10. careyayn22

    careyayn22 Well-Known Member

    I think I am having my first one at about 28 weeks...since there is a very likely chance I will end up on bedrest. Even though it is a family shower and would not be held in the city I live in, we are having it here in case I can't travel.

    The other one or two I will likely have will be after the babies are here.
  11. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My doctor kept talking about 28 weeks being a big turning point, so my family had it for me at 29. I wanted it early enough so I could enjoy it. Personally, I am SO glad I did because then I could unpack, organizing, assemble, wash, etc. without completely wiping myself out.
  12. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    I was put on bedrest at 28 wks. The church ended up coming out to the house where I laid in the recliner and had my shower at 30 wks. AT 32 wks the babies almost came... but the hospital stopped that... At 34 wks I was to have another one, out of town, and OB said, No travelling to that (even if I hadn't been on bedrest).

    My advice is have yours in 2-3 wks. The sooner the better!

    DH of course was around for the shower and helped open gifts and it was amazing how much people gave us.

    I didnt wash things right away b/c I was already on bedrest. I had to wait until my Mom came up at 32 wks, and she did all the panicking for me and got the nursery ready.
  13. ellaila

    ellaila Well-Known Member

    My doctor too told me again this morning that most twins-moms hit the proverbial brick wall at 28 weeks and to plan on doing everything before then if possible. My friend is throwing a shower for me, and she first suggested early November, but I had to ask her if we could change it to late September/early October so I could make sure I could be there for it and enjoy it (ha ha)!
  14. Shasta

    Shasta Well-Known Member

    My mom is having mine next weekend. August 11th. Saturday. I'll be 31 weeks. :yahoo:
  15. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Mine is going to be at 29w 6d. I have had an uneventful pg (knock on wood) so I felt comfortable doing it then. In my case I think I would have had to have fought my sister and mother to have had it sooner. They don't get the whole twin pg thing and delivering early - I would have really had to educate them - and to be fair, most people don't. They are acting somewhat put out to have to do it. My sister just wore everyone out with a quick wedding hundreds of miles away and a baby and bridal shower (three months apart). Having said that, if I was truly concerned about the date, I would have expressed a wish to have had it sooner.

    That said, you can put one together pretty quickly if you feel you should. Good luck and lots of gifts "showered" upon you :).
  16. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    Thanks... I guess it is nice for my mom to ask when I would like to have it, but I feel a little wierd about telling her when to have a shower... I think of that sort of thing being a surprise.
  17. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    my office gave me one at 26 weeks. i requested to have it that early, b/c i would have felt awkward if my doc had already taken me out when they gave it. well, surprise, surprise, by the time i was 26 weeks, my doc had me working from home all the time. i'm glad i had it that early, though, because i just went to BRU last week and picked up everything else i needed and used some gift cards i had been given.
  18. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I'm having one at 26 weeks and one at 28 weeks. I'm suppose to go on modified bedrest at 28 weeks so I figured the earlier the better!
  19. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    Mine is Saturday!! I will be 31 weeks and this seems about perfect, I will have time to get what I didn't get at the shower
  20. missusbecker

    missusbecker Well-Known Member

    i am having mine at 28 weeks because i too heard that is a big milestone and i was too paranoid to have it before then. :). hope you get lots of stuff!
  21. ksugal

    ksugal Well-Known Member

    Like most other people, I had mine done by about 28-29 weeks...just in case I had to go on bedrest, etc.
  22. monique+2

    monique+2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Stephanie1074 @ Aug 1 2007, 04:05 PM) [snapback]353220[/snapback]
    Thanks... I guess it is nice for my mom to ask when I would like to have it, but I feel a little wierd about telling her when to have a shower... I think of that sort of thing being a surprise.

    I agree My baby shower is saturday and I will be 30 weeks I have enough energy to enjoy it but my mom asked me when I wanted to have it too I wish it was just a surprise because I am so involved in it that it is starting to stress me out, and I want it to be over with befre it even comes, so good luck!
  23. missymack2003

    missymack2003 Well-Known Member

    I would say anywhere from now until 28wks. or so, depending on how many you want to have. Unfortunately the people planning mine got really behind and I have two more scheduled for August. Hopefully I will make it to both before the babies come! You want to do it when you are still feeling good and can be somewhat active. Now I have to worry about hiding my cankles! The earlier the better! Good luck with everything.
  24. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    sooner rather than later!!!! Mine was scheduled for 24w5d and, guess what? I ended up in the hospital at 24w4d and MISSED MY OWN SHOWER! It went on without me and so I had to have a do-over a few weeks later.
  25. pink and blue mom

    pink and blue mom Well-Known Member

    Mine was at 34 weeks 3 days and I was in labor the whole time. I went in that night and had them at 1 in the morning. I would say around 30 weeks should be good. The good thing about waiting is that you will be too pg to put anything away and ur dh will have to do it....I came home and everything was put away so nicely. Too bad he doesn't help like that now!
  26. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    I will be having mine at 31 weeks. I had wanted it a bit earlier, but I also wanted all of my close friends and family to be able to come, so that was when it worked out for everyone. I'm sure I will have something at work, but that may be a surprise, so not sure when. So far so good and only two more weeks till the shower!
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