Are you involved in any of these types of classes and, if so, what can you tell me about them? Our boys are 30 weekers, so we've been pretty careful about not exposing them to other kids. But they'll be one in two months, and I'd like to get them involved in something like this, hopefully once a week, after their first birthday. I want something fun and educational for them and just an opportunity to get out of the house to do something other than go for a walk or go to Grandma's. And I think exposing them a little to other kids and to some structure before preschool would be a good thing (we're planning on starting them with preschool, just mornings 2 days per week when they are 3, and then probably increasing to mornings 3 days per week when they are 4). DH stays home with them, but I should have enough flexibility with my schedule to join them for class once a week so we'll be one on one with them. So based on all of that what classes can you recommend and why? Any that you wouldn't recommend? Are there any other options that I'm not thinking of? Gymboree and Kindermusik are the only ones I've found so far in my area, but maybe there are others I don't know about yet. Thanks!!
We do Mommy and Me. It's the first class I have joined myself. I really like it. The format of our class is free play for the first half hour and then they have circle time with songs that involve the kids playing different instruments and dancing and singing. Then they do the parachute. Then the kids all have a snack (which they provide for the kids but most parents bring some back up snacks and you have to bring drinks for them). After snack the kids go back to the circle time room for bubble time while the teacher sets up and arts and crafts activity for them. We do the art activity and then its time to go home. It's an 1.5 hours long and if you miss any classes you can make them up on any day you wish (except Thursday for some reason, at least at our place) as long as you make them up before the semester ends (it's a 16 week program.) They offer a twin discount so we paid $275 for the first child and $175 for the second. Mommy and Me also allows for 1 parent for 2 children which Gymboree does not and is the reason I joined Mommy and Me instead. If you have your dh to do the classes with you that's great! My good freind does Gymboree with her son and LOVES it and the program sounds really good as well. A little more expensive and I think it's only 12 weeks and cost about $400 for her one son so it's a bit more expensive but she really loves it. Also, you get discount coupons and other discounts for the Gymboree store which is pretty cool.
I did a lot of stuff with my first. Now I also do Gymboree with the twins. Started at Level III, just before 10 months (they were only 12 days early, so full term). I love the Open Gym, at their 3 Chicago locations (I take all 3 kids by myself and it gives me something to do). That's a life saver for me. However, with the gym classes they do require 1 parent per child, so I take my babysitter. Still worth it though. I pay $275 for 12 weeks for twins (we have a multiples special here). Normally it's $199 for 12 weeks for 1 child, so I think it's a pretty good deal! And the location within walking distance has Tu/We/Fri open gym and the other one (10 minutes by car) has open gym on Mon/Thu/Fri! I am covered for every afternoon if I have to, but I usually go twice a week. My oldest loves it too. She did Level III through VI.
We do "mommy & me" classes through our local school district. Fees vary per how much you make each year. It is a chance to socialize with adults and other moms and a chance for the kids to play 'together' in the same room. Like a PP stated, I can take both twins there with no problems! HTH!
Don't know if it's available in your area, but have you thought about doing mom & baby yoga or Itsy Bitsy Yoga?
I did Kindermusik Sing and Sing with my older DD when she was about 1. We loved it. I will definitely try it when my boys are ready.
QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Nov 8 2007, 07:18 PM) [snapback]487632[/snapback] Don't know if it's available in your area, but have you thought about doing mom & baby yoga or Itsy Bitsy Yoga? Thanks for the tip, but I'm really looking for something the four of us can do all together, and I know dh won't go for yoga!