Baby not eating enough?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by praises1139, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. praises1139

    praises1139 Well-Known Member

    Our boys are 15wks. Ezra usually eats 5oz (sometimes 7) whereas his brother eats 4oz but it is a struggle to get him to eat 4. Sometimes he'll only eat 2. Before bedtime yesterday he ate 5oz, which he's NEVER done before. Then 2.5oz, 3oz, 4oz, 1.5 the following feedings. They eat every 3hrs during the day. If you stop to burp him, he most likely will not take the bottle again afterwards. It is so weird. Even if he does burp, it doesn't matter, he doesn't want to keep eating. Sometimes he will finish the bottle if I wait till the last possible minute. I can tell his brother is heavier than him for the first time! Their 4 month appt is not for another 3 weeks but I don't know if I should wait that long to find out if this is normal. It has already been going on for 3 weeks. Before that I was nursing, so I don't know how much they ate. I don't think it's acid reflux because he doesn't get fussy or upset while eating, just pushes the bottle away with his tongue. He does spit up once in a while. I've been told he could be a snacker, but 9 times out of 10 he does not want to eat again before 3 hrs. It doesn't seem to affect his sleep, temperament, etc but from what I've read he should be eating more at this age????????
  2. sscetta

    sscetta Well-Known Member

    I have no insight for that since I am struggling with the same thing with my 9 week olds. One used to be a good eater but all of sudden won't take the bottle after I burp him even if he's only had 2oz. He too will wait another 3 hours to take a bottle after that. THis has been going on for 3 days now and I can't figure it out. Let know if you come up with a solution.
  3. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    One of my girls has done this on and off from around the same age to now. Some weeks, she really struggles and other weeks she will guzzle it down. Our pedi said not to force it, and as long as she was still on her growth curve, not to worry too much. I did however had to get her weighed every week.

    Sorry I don't have any real advice for you, but just wanted to let you know that I've been through it too.
  4. praises1139

    praises1139 Well-Known Member

    Ok I counted how much he ended up eating today:
    8:30--3oz, then 1 later
    11:30--1oz, then 3 later
    2:30--3.5oz, then 1/2oz later
    assuming he sleeps like he did last night and doesn't wake up till 1am, that means he didn't eat at least 24oz today. I wonder if I"m going to have to try and feed him in between feedings--an ounce or two here and there? He's a happy baby, has always been growing fine and still seems to be, so I don't know what the deal is. I've tried a few different bottles and different flow nipples in case it was too slow or two fast.

    I googled it and someone else had a similar problem:
  5. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We really struggled with getting one of my boys to eat, but mainly because he had severe reflux and I think it just hurt him to eat. I was pretty stressed about it, too, because many days he was getting less than the 24 oz. We tried all sorts of things, but nothing much helped except time and maturity. Our pedi said as long as he was growing and developing well, not to be too stressed about a few less ounces. They also advised us to look at a whole week, not just one day, and some days he would eat more, so that when it was averaged out, it didn't seem nearly so big a deficit.

    We can all say don't worry, etc., but that is SO hard to actually do when you are in the moment with it. I know it really worried me and stressed me out for awhile. Now he is happy and healthy, 75th percentile for height and weight at 27 months old, ahead on all his milestones, etc. I really did try to trust the pedi, but my mom instinct just wasn't having it!! Hang in there, and keep trying different things
  6. Amyandbabies

    Amyandbabies New Member

    We had a similar issue with one of our girls. We decided to feed her Enfacare (22xal per oz) and feed her every 4 hours. She was hungry so she would want to eat. Also make sure it is wam (pumped BM or formula). We found she would stop eating. We thought she was full but the bottle was just not warm enough! Her sister would eat ice milk but she wouldn't even go for Luke warm. Good luck !
  7. praises1139

    praises1139 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! Sounds like a common thing. He ended up getting to 24oz at 10pm. But it sounds like I don't need to worry about it since he is growing fine, from what I can tell.
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