Baby Movement?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ward, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if im just nuts or what so i thought i would ask more experienced ladies with twins. When do you start feeling the twins move???? I am only 11 weeks but SWEAR that i can feel a flutter of movement every now and again i would say its gas but it feels nothing like gas. I know they are still really little but is it even possible to feel because it is two and they take up more room than one? With my son i started feeling him at 14 weeks and it was like one or two flutters every 3-4 days till about 18 weeks then i could feel him a lot and even started feeling him hiccup which got really annoying lol. So i was just hoping for some stories of other mommies with twins or other pregnant ladies with twins. when did you start feeling movement? :babyflips:
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i didn't feel movement until 21 weeks. i also had an anterior placenta though which cushions a lot of movement. i'm not sure what the earliest you can feel a baby move though.
  3. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I felt mine at 12 or so weeks and then not again for another week.
  4. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    I felt little flutters around 14 weeks. I didn't feel them all the time until about 18 weeks.
  5. FirstTimeMomma

    FirstTimeMomma Well-Known Member

    Havent felt anything and ill be 17 weeks tomorrow. Hoping that changes ASAP
  6. slavila

    slavila Well-Known Member

    I felt them for sure around 19-20 weeks, which was actually later than with my single pregnancies. I have an anterior placenta also, so that could be a factor.
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I felt my girls at 11 weeks. - it felt the exact same as you are describing! With this singleton, I have felt the flutters for maybe 3 weeks but not much else and not as often and I will be 17 weeks tomorrow!
  8. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    You might be feeling SOME movement now and just dont realize it. It kind of feels like gas bubble, or a feather lightly brushing you from the inside out.

    As for when I started feeling the boys, I was about 14-15 weeks. By 20 weeks or so it was like a boxing matching going on inside
  9. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    yeah I also swear I felt mine at about 12 weeks! Very faint little flutters, like a muscle barely twitching so anythings possible! And yeah just wait! Like slipper said they start having wrestling matches later on! I'm 26 weeks now and ohhhh geesh! I had a NST yest and all they did was kick and hit the monitors! My husband really got to hear what's going on in there! Oh and I started wearing a support belt at about 20 wks andthey also kicked that, I don't think they like anything that makes their world smaller! Lol
  10. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    18 weeks for me, but then a couple of weeks to feel them reliably.
  11. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    thanks ladies!!! At least now i know im not nuts lol
  12. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    You're not nuts :), I started feeling mine at 13 weeks, everyone thought I was nuts also - of course, only people that had singletons said that.
  13. Adding 2 more!

    Adding 2 more! Well-Known Member

    With the twins, about 11 weeks. I didnt initially know that that was what I was feeling! I was surprised!
  14. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    yeah i felt the flutters a couple times today but they are so brief and usually don't happen all that often your like was that? noooo it couldn't be lol
  15. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    yeah early on I would only feel them, if I had just eaten and was sitting down and calm, if I was moving around or not concentrating on it I wouldn't notice. But it's funny in just a few weeks you will be sooo sure of what you are feeling!
  16. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    i can't wait for the "boxing match" to start LOL
  17. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I felt occasional flutters around 14 weeks or so. By the time I was about 18 to 20 weeks I could consistently feel them. :)
  18. Ashley9603

    Ashley9603 Member

    I have felt movement already as well.This pregnancy is sooo different,so many little aches and pains lol.
  19. FirstTimeMomma

    FirstTimeMomma Well-Known Member

    Still waiting here going on 19 weeks! Im dying to feel them move around :(
  20. ~Christine~

    ~Christine~ Well-Known Member

    I am 20weeks 4days, and I felt lots of flutters when I was 14-16weeks and then just the occasional one. I was a bit concerned, but my doctor said just wait till you hit 20weeks...and sure enough, almost to the day, on Monday, i started feeling a lot more movement and it has continued! :)
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