baby formula to toddler formula

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Addy Fern, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. Addy Fern

    Addy Fern Member

    hey all !

    ok so my girls will be 1yr old in sept and i was thinking instead of giving them reg milk cow i try instead giving them infamil toddler milk.

    anyone does this? what u think?
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Do you mean after they turn 1 you want to switch to the toddler formula?

    In my opinion ;), I wouldn't bother. Unless you have low-weight babies and they need the extra calories that formula will supply, or they don't have a good variety in their diet, then the toddler formula isn't really necessary and is just a way for the formula companies to try to make more money off of ya! :D

    I switched my older kids to milk around 10 months and both did fantastic, they were both good weights and enjoyed a great variety of foods in their diet. My ped was fine with it and never once suggested the older formula! :)

    That's just my opinion and I never claimed to be a doctor! :lol:
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Why do you want to do Toddler formula over milk? We transitioned to milk and it was fine.
  4. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    I have always switched to whole milk at a year, I've never really heard of toddler formula but I know it isn't something I would buy unless the Dr. suggested it for growth issues.
  5. Carrie27

    Carrie27 Well-Known Member

    Everything she said. We are almost on complete milk cups, still getting about 2oz of formula with milk. If it's not needed, than why waste the money? Formula is expensive!
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Another person who went to milk with pediasure at 12 months instead of toddler formula.
  7. BabyMoPlusThree

    BabyMoPlusThree Well-Known Member

    We were supplementing with ODD, and we used toddler milk for awhile after she was about 10 months.

    But the *only* reason we did this was because there were coupons for it in the paper and/or catalinas (the machine that gives you coupons at the grocery checkout). I could pair these coupons with formula checks for significant savings and it made the toddler stuff cheaper than the regular formula.

    As soon as we were able to, we swictched to whole milk.

    Toddler formula is very expensive. At $20 a can, you could buy a lot of gallons of whole milk with that money.
  8. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I used toddler formula but where I live we don't have regular pasterized fresh milk. We can buy the ultrapasterized milk in a tetrapak, powdered milk, or raw milk direct from the farmer. We are also mostly vegitarian. I went with the toddler formula (we bought infamil) over the other options and it has the omega fatty acids that are sometime lacking in a vegitarian diet. My girls were on a combination of forumla and breastmilk from birth to 15 months after 15months we continued formula (toddler) until their second birthday when they could start drinking 2% with the rest of the family.
  9. Addy Fern

    Addy Fern Member

    Alright, i see everyones point of view.

    I just think that baby formula and toddler formula has alot more vitamins to offer than reg milk.

    I have one picky eater :(

    I've given them sippy cups since they were 6mos and one has no problem drinking from it but the other one thinks is fun to shake it and throw it around. So i know, when the time comes to give them milk from the sippy cup she's gonna have a hard time :(
  10. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Addy you should talk to your ped about it, if they feel your picky eater isn't eating good enough, then they may suggest the toddler formula. But you would seriously be surprised how little kids really need to eat to stay healthy! Even kids who go on food strikes still somehow eat the foods that they need (as long as it's offered to them) and stay plenty healthy!

    There's definetly cases where the toddler formula is necessary, and that's a decision only you and your ped can make for your baby! :hug:
  11. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I went to regular milk with my kids. My ped said that the toddler formula was unnecessary for us.
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