Baby food?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JensBoys, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    One more question. Heeheehee :D

    Anyone still give their 2 year olds baby food? I opened a jar of sweet potatoes to put some in a pancake recipe the other day and Connor really wanted it. So then I tried a jar of peas and carrots and both boys loved it!

    Now, these are boys that will eat NO veggies (but I juice veggies for them pretty much every day). So I'm wondering if it's OK to just give them the baby food? I know it could be a sensory issue and I plan to bring it up with the Dr on Friday, but at 18 months she told me it was no big deal and just give it to them if they liked it.
  2. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I agree with your doctor. If that is the only way that they will eat veggies then let them eat baby food. Maybe then you can show them the 'real' version of what is in the jar (If they like the pureed peas then offer them a small serving of peas with it too). Maybe they'd be more willing to try it once they know that they already like the flavor.
  3. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    My boys are 28 months and one of them will only eat jarred veggies. If that's the only way he will eat them, then that's what he gets. ;) I need to start sticking soft pieces of cooked veggies in there.
  4. 1+2=3boys

    1+2=3boys Active Member

    My 3 yr old will NOT eat any fresh veggies or fruit but he loves the gerber 2nd veggies and fruit. I even tried to puree some fresh stuff, and he tasted it and spit it out. I mention this to my pedi all the time, and she said that if that's the only way to get him to eat fruits/veggies, then let him eat them. So, he has a gerber 2nd veggie every meal and gobbles it up! He eats other 'regular' foods, but will not budge on the fruits/veggies. *sigh* I keep trying.

  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Until very recently, we kept a few jars of green beans & peas in the cupboard. Sarah really liked them (Amy not so much), and she hardly ate any other veggies, so it was nice to just be able to give her that once in a while. We stopped mostly because I just got sick of buying baby food, and figured it was time for her to sink or swim on the vegetable front. :rolleyes:
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my 20 mo olds still get baby food veggies as it is the only veggies they will eat...
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    If its the only way, then let them.

    I mean, its real food... its just mashed up.
  8. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    At 21+ months, we also still do some Stage 2 fruits and veggies. I usually offer the real thing with dinner and give the pureed at the end of the meal. I give them Stage 2 pears or pears/blueberries almost every morning to keep things regular!...and because they chant 'pear, pear, pear' and pant like little puppies in between each bite!
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