Baby Fever

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by EOMommy, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    So my little girl has been acting kind of poopy all day. I got her home from daycare and noticed she felt very warm. SO I took her temp with a couple different thermometers, under the armpit. Got a reading of 102.7, 100.7, 101.3, etc etc. Never anything consistent, plus you have to add a degree, right? I didn't do it rectally, she was upset and sad and I didnt have the heart sticking something up her butt!

    Anyway, do any of you recommend any good thermometers? Now that she is 6 months, are the ear ones more accurate?
    I just want something that will give me a consistent reading.

    We dressed her light, gave her some tylenol and now she is sleeping. She is teething, but I read if its over 101 then its probably not a fever from teething...

    This is the first fever ive had to deal with...I just feel so un-mom like, like this stuff just doesnt come naturally to me.
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When I read this I thought it was going to be a post about you wanting another baby! LOL

    We use an ear thermometer for our girls and it is pretty accurate (I think). We usually get the about the same reading when we do it multiple times and my pedi also uses an ear thermometer although I'm sure theirs is a lot higher quality.
  3. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Hey, I use the rectal usually, but I also have a temporal one which is supposed to be even more accurate than the ear and less scary to children. Though, I'm not sure a 6 month old would have a fear yet about things in ears. I just know from where I externed in a family healthcare office that little children often are fearful of the ear thermometers if not introduced at an early age. I dont' know why they get fearful of it, but they don't like things in their ears either way. Not all are afraid though. The temporal ones are getting more popular and are easy to use. You just swipe the head of the thermometer across the forehead or just over the temple (depending on which model you get) and it can tell you immediately what the temperature is. It just reads the blood vessels which can tell you exactly what the body's temperature is. Technically, all thermometers are reading the blood vessel temperature in one way or another but some ways are slower than others...the armpits are the slowest. Rectal is a little faster, oral is even a little faster, ear is very fast, and temporal is the fastest. Ear and temporal are also the easiest to do on a baby.
  4. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    We have a temporal thermometer that you run across their forehead and over a temple. It gives pretty consistent readings for us. I think it was in the $30 range and we may have gotten it at Sam's Club. It makes my kids giggle when we use it.

    The info on the back says Temporal Scanner, Exergen Corporation,
  5. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    There is no baby fever going on here, no no no!!! I already have dreams that both my husband and I are pregnant at the same time, each due at the same time. Its so scary!!!

    Thanks for the suggestions, going to pick up one of those temporarl ones. PRetty sure they use those at the doctor's office. I should steal theirs next time! :)

    This forum rocks!!
  6. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I totally thought you were talking about wanting another baby, too! I was going to reply and say that I had no advice!

    Sorry about your little girl's fever - I hope you've got it down and that she is feeling better. :hug:
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mama23boys @ Dec 3 2008, 08:13 PM) [snapback]1096410[/snapback]
    I totally thought you were talking about wanting another baby, too! I was going to reply and say that I had no advice!

    Sorry about your little girl's fever - I hope you've got it down and that she is feeling better. :hug:

    Same here!

    Hope she feels better soon. I always did a rectal.
  8. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Hope she is feeling better soon.

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